public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & google

June 2008

GoogleMonkeyR – Google - Multiple columns of results, Remove "Sponsored Links",

....Number results, Auto-load more results, Remove web search dialogues, Open external links in a new tab, self updating and all configurable from a simple user dialogue.

Flickr: Discussing GM Script: Flickramio in Flickr Hacks

his script put 2 google earth map's next to the photo if the image is geotagged, just like Panoramio.

May 2008

Google Inline MP3 Player User Script Streams Linked MP3s

Firefox with Greasemonkey) "The Google Inline MP3 Player Greasemonkey script inserts Google Reader's MP3 Flash player next to any linked MP3 file you stumble onto while browsing."

January 2008

Le site du jour : FireglOOx___Site en rapport avec Firefox, bien sûr, mais aussi avec Google.

Son but est de répertorier toutes les extensions (Addons) pour Firefox qui ont un rapport avec Google et ses nombreux services.

December 2007

Gmail Contact List

Rajoute une “contact list” à coté du champ “To”.

November 2007

Google Browser Sync___PLUS EN LIGNE_Synchronizes your browser settings – including bookmarks, history, persistent cookies, and saved passwords – across your computers.

by 18 others
It also allows you to restore open tabs and windows across different machines and browser sessions. Synchronize your browser settings across computers. Restore tabs and windows from your previous session.

July 2007

April 2007

DelegateGcal Gmail tickler _____Firefox extension (All Platforms)

Lets you create a reminder in Gcal based on the Gmail message you're currently viewing.The extension adds an Add to Gcal link to the bottom of every message. Clicking the link opens an overlaid Gcal window that includes the email subject in the event titl

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

Google AutoPager (Greasemonkey)________Download of the Day:

AutoPager enables "infinite scrolling" on Google search-results pagesWith AutoPager: It fetches and appends the next batch as you scroll down, creating the illusion of infinite

View and update Google Calendar with Thunderbird

a detailed tutorial on how to sync and update Google Calendar with T-bird using the previously-mentioned Lightning calendar extension.

Google Calendar Display Current Time Line____Greasemonkey script

by 2 others
Adds a small red line to your calendar displaying the current time (pictured above) so you have a frame of reference for how close an upcoming appointment is. In all, it's a great introduction to more advanced Google Calendar use (including lots of shortc

Google Calendar TODO list (Greasemonkey)_____Download of the Day:

The Google Calendar TODO list script adds a task list to your calendar with checkboxes to mark items as done.

February 2007

Google Images Re-Linker ____Google image navigation interface extension greasemonkey

Rewrites links in Google Images to point straight to the image instead of the thumbnail in a frame

Google Search Keys____Google navigation interface extension

Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26

Google Show Page greasemonkey

Shows the page number on the upper left on Google search result pages. Works great with Google Accesskeys. This is how it looks:

GoogleShowPageNumber__Greasmonkey extension

Shows the page number on the upper right on Google search result pages. Great in combination with [WWW]Google Access Keys

October 2006

gTranslate __My Firefox extensions

Avec gTranslate vous pouvez traduire n'importe quel texte d'une page web en le sélectionnant simplement et en cliquant avec le bouton droit. L'extension utilise Le service de traduction Google pour effectuer la traduction du texte.

August 2006

Google Earth Community: Earth from above-Terre vue du ciel-507 PIC&OVERLAY

Partez à la découverte des plus beaux lieux photographiés par le célèbre photographe Yann-Arthus Bertrand dans son ouvrage “La terre vue du ciel - gmailskins: index (-) extention

by 5 others
What it is Gmail Skins is a Firefox extension that tries to make your Gmail experiance a little better. What it does Click an item for a screenshot. * Change the colour of your inbox - Choose colours from green to dark green! * View weather, google calend

Google Labs (-)

by 56 others, Google's technology playground. Google labs showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time. Your feedback can help us improve them. Please play with these prototypes and send your comments directly to the Goo

Flickr: - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! - GeoTagging Flickr (-) - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! view profile aemkei Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: After the great feedback on the Localize Bookmarklet I got the next secret something for you guys: A tool to browse the world of Flickr photos! Here you – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

July 2006

Flyr Pool 0.3 - insert a google map_6V8 - Production of my Mind____Flickr

Here is a Greasemonkey script to insert a google map _ (generated by Flyr) directly on the Flickr pages with multiple photos that contains geotags.