public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags css & firebug


WATERFOX - ABOUT:CONFIG - To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0- Do not forget to enable Stylo(Quantum CSS).... : waterfox

If you have prolem, you can test that: To disable Stylo in Waterfox 56.1.0: >about:config >SEARCH : layout.css.servo. > CHANGE layout.css.servo.enabled TO false – then either (a) reload any page that may be bugged by Stylo in 56.1.0; or (b) restart Waterfox.

FIR >57 - DEV - Firebug + FirePath alternative ? - Is there a CSS/XPATH checker, now that firefinder is gone? | Forum d’assistance Firefox | Assistance de Mozilla

The Developer Edition is the replacement for Firebug, I know you can right click and copy the css or xpath, but thats not what I am asking. I am asking about the functionality that was provided by firefinder add on. Does FF offer that somewhere now that firebug was removed and added to the developer version.


CodeBurner for Firebug - extension Firefox Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS.

CodeBurner is a Firefox add-on that integrates with Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS.


Firebug : bonnes pratiques pour le développement XHTML, CSS, JavaScript et DOM - La Case de l'Oncle Tom

by 2 others
Pour le développement d’applications JavaScript et pour mieux comprendre les incohérences des CSS dans une page, entre autre.Domaines d’utilisation :