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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags comment & extension


SessionBox - Comment se connecter avec plusieurs comptes différents sur un même site et dans un seul navigateur ? - Korben

Si vous avez besoin de vous logger avec différents noms d'utilisateurs sur le même site, ce n'est pas forcement faisable. Heureusement, sous Chrome et Firefox il existe une extension qui s'appelle SessionBox et qui permet d'utiliser plusieurs sessions différentes et actives d'un même site, dans le même navigateur.


FIR - ADDON - Comment activer les extensions que Firefox n'approuve pas ? - Korben

Quand mon Firefox beta s'est mis à jour vers la version 41, Firefox m'a bloqué de force certaines extensions (un bon paquet à vrai dire) car elles n'ont pas été "approuvées" par Firefox. Voici donc comment faire pour ressusciter vos extensions et contourner ce garde fou mis en place par Mozilla. Tout d'abord, entrez about:config dans la barre d'adresse : Puis cherchez la valeur - "xpinstall.signatures.required" - Modifiez sa valeur pour la passer à "false"


DEV CSS - Tutoriel vidéo HTML-CSS : Firebug, L’extension pour les développeurs Web |

Firebug est une extension firefox incontournable pour tous les intégrateurs et développeurs web. Elle permet entre autre de voir comment le navigateur interprète les différents languages et permet aussi d’interagir en temps réel avec le code source. Plutôt que des longues explication une petite vidéo vous aidera à mieux comprendre comment firebug peux changer votre façon de débugger vos pages web


🎧 France Culture - Blog - La saison Science Publique : 2009-2010 - Partie 1/2 - En quête de science - Telecharger avex

Pour télécharger les émissions de cette page, installez le module downloadhelper pour firefox. Lancez une lecture, le fichier devient alors téléchargeable. .... Le blog de Science Publique vous propose d'écouter ou de réécouter toutes les émissions de Science Publique de la saison 2009-2010 en remontant dans le temps. Vous pouvez également retrouver les présentations de chaque émission, vos commentaires et toutes les vidéos réalisées pour les accompagner sur la page de chaque émission en cliquant sur son titre.


GM Script: Flickr Buddy Icon Reply v4.0 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I have updated the script to use image button links. I know that the images are not everyone's cup of tea and you can choose v3.2. Just testing someone's suggestion. All feedbacks and different image button designs welcome!!! to install or update this script, click on this link, GM Script: Flickr Buddy Icon Reply

Flickr Group Promotion Tool –

Adds a select box with pre written comments, inviting the photo owner and viewers to join your groups.

Flickr: Inline text editor - for photo comments, groups + help forum –

Lets you easily re-edit or delete your flickr group, help forum and photo comments without leaving the current page you are on. Features Inline Edit : When you click the edit button of a comment under a photo, in a group or in the help forum a textarea is inserted where your post was, containing your post, enabling you to quickly edit and resubmit it without leaving the page you are on. Particularly useful for group admins. Search and Replace : Lets you search and replace text in your post. Inline Delete : The script changes the delete link below group or forum posts and photo comments, so that it deletes the post without leaving the current page, especially useful for group adminstrators. Updates 19th March 2008 : updated to work with latest version of GM 23rd May 2008 : updated to work with all international versions of the site :) 5th June 2008 : updated to work on photo comments

Flickr: Discussing Flickr linked @reply (GM script) in Flickr Hacks

Adds a little (reply) button beneath the buddy icon of the author of every post/comment in a Flickr photo/photoset/group/forum discussion. Clicking (reply) inserts into your reply HTML-code that displays the commenter's username and links back to the comment being replied to. The script works in group discussions, help fora, and in photo and photoset comments i.e. everywhere :) — it even works when the reply-box is on another page! The @reply template may be customized via the script-commands menu (Tools ▶ Greasemonkey ▶ Script Commands)… so whether the scripts inserts @user, user, user:, @user, @user, or possibly even @user, is up to you. The template may even contain HTML code, e.g. to style the username in italics. Inside the reply-box, the formatted @reply is inserted at the cursor’s position. However, if any text inside the reply-box is selected, the template is ignored, and instead, clicking on (reply) makes that selected text link to the post/comment you’re replying to.

Firefox Web Developer Toolbar | Webmaster Tips

Web Developer Toolbar is one of the most useful tools you can have for web design. This is a short introduction that will show you some ways that you can use it when making web sites.

Create the Ultimate Firefox Web Development Profile :: the How-To Geek

by 1 other
Firefox configured with a separate profile just for web development, let's take a look at the extensions we can use to make Firefox into the ultimate web development tool. Must-Have Web Dev Extensions : These are all extensions that I use on a regular basis for web development. Firebug Web Developer Extension Aardvark Extension Colorzilla View Source With

GREASEMONKEY - Flickr Commented On –

This adds and small icon over any picture that shows you if you have already commented it, just like the favorite icon works. Very useful when you do lots of comments ;)

Extensions -Construire une extension MDC

Explications pas à pas sur la construction d'une extension pour Firefox.

Tutorial Cache Viewer

En écoutant la totalité du titre depuis le player dans Firefox , le morceau s'enregistre automatiquement dans le cache internet du navigateur.L'extension Cacheviewer est disponible dans le menu du haut du navigateur Firefox depuis l'onglet "Outils" .


FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr Backlink Comment Reply

Greasemonkey script that inserts those (reply) links under every buddy icon in the comments list to do exactly what is explained in the screenshot. Works in photo as well as in group discussions.

Flickr: Hide Image Comments using RIP - Discussing Hide Image Comments using RIP in Flickr Hacks

If you hate seeing invite or award images in comments: solution using this extension, Remove it Permanently, and the rules I came up with you shouldn't have to see them . Instructions and the RIP rules on my blog.

How to build a Firefox extension

With a bit of programming experience : not that difficult.Firefox extension is simply Javascript - and a markup language called XUL (pronounced "zool.") To build your own, you'll need some Javascript know-how, editing XML files, and curiosity

How to create Firefox extensions

by 25 others
Everyone has a good idea at one time or another to implement a new feature in a web browser. Well, with the goodness that is Mozilla Firefox, now you can do just that. You need to have a vague understanding of XUL and Javascript, but you certainly don’t

FlickrCommentTools________Flickr: Flickr Hacks

comment tools script with smilies to it. FlickrCommentTools.user.js

Sync your Greasemonkey scripts across computers ___Hack Attack:

by 3 others
Greasemonkey is by far my favorite Firefox extension. It's the first extension I install on a new installation of Firefox, followed quickly by a slew of my favorite Greasemonkey scripts. The only problem that I've had with Greasemonkey in the past is that

Easy Photo Post in Comment by mortimer : Flickr Hacks

This script will remember the 15 last photos [2] you have visited and display their thumbnail over every comment box on Flickr. You can select the size you want to post and then click on the thumbnail of the photo of interest to insert the obscure voOdOo