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24 September 2018 14:00

DEV - TUTORIAL - Scrimba - Scrimba is a powerful new way of learning code. Play around with the instructors code any time, right in the player.

Scrimba is a new way of teaching and learning how to code. We call it interactive code screencasts. Here’s why it's a great way of learning.

07 June 2018 14:30

JAVASCRIPT - REGEX - Les expressions régulières (partie 2/2) - Dynamisez vos sites web avec JavaScript ! - OpenClassrooms

Dans ce deuxième chapitre consacré aux regex, nous allons voir leur utilisation au sein du JavaScript. En effet, le premier chapitre n'était là que pour enseigner la base de la syntaxe alors que, une fois couplées à un langage de programmation, les regex deviennent très utiles. En JavaScript, elles utilisent l'objet RegExp et permettent de faire tout ce que l'on attend d'une regex : rechercher un terme, le capturer, le remplacer, etc.

15 December 2017 11:15

FIR 57 - ARIS - SCROLLBAR - GitHub - Aris-t2/Scrollbars: Custom Scrollbars

Custom Scrollbars for Firefox 57+ : Method 1 - files for Firefox profile folder only M1 is based on this project by nuchi: M1 will stop working when Mozilla drops XBL support. From this projects method 1 : folder copy userChrome folder and userChrome.css file to PROFILENAME chrome or add code from userChrome.css file to an existing userChrome.css file. Method 2 - files for Firefox folder and to Firefox profile folder M2 is based on this project by ardiman: From this projects method 2profile folder copy userChrome folder and userChrome.js file to PROFILENAME chrome . From this projects method 2firefox folder copy defaults folder and config.js file to Firefox main directory (where the Firefox executable is). Script/startup cache must be deleted after every change! Where to fine startupCache folder? about:profiles > Local Directory > Open Folder, close Firefox and delete all files in startupCache folder. Location on WINDOWS: C:Users NAME AppDataLocalMozillaFirefoxProfiles PROFILE startupCache Location on LINUX location: home NAME .cachemozillafirefox PROFILE startupCache This is not the same profile folder custom scripts and styles are stored! More info about startup cache removal (in German): More info about startup cache removal (in English )

06 October 2017 08:45

CSS + STYLUS - Stylus et les préprocesseurs CSS (en guise d’introduction) · Les intégristes

Première question : qu’est-ce qu’un préprocesseur ? Un préprocesseur est un programme qui procède à des transformations sur un code source, avant l’étape de traduction proprement dite (compilation ou interprétation). source Wikipedia. Dans le cas d’un préprocesseur CSS la syntaxe simplifiée ou enrichie en entrée est analysée et compilée en un langage que nous connaissons tous et que nous utilisons au quotidien : CSS.

07 July 2017 12:30

JSON - What is JSON? An Introduction and Guide for Beginners

in this JSON tutorial and guide, I’m attempting to provide a fairly comprehensive discussion of JSON, its history, and its usefulness. I’ll close with a list of some practical JSON tools that might come in handy in future projects. JSON Defined JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it’s a data format. That is, it’s a way to hold bits of information, similar to a database. Although JSON originated outside the ECMAScript specification, it is now closely related to JavaScript with the spec now including a JSON object and many developers incorporating it as a quasi-subset of the language.

05 January 2015 04:15

JQuery - Native equivalents of jQuery functions

by 1 other (via)
I think there are many developers who don’t realize that most of the jQuery methods they use have native equivalents that require the same or only a slighter larger amount of code to use. Below are a series of code samples showing some popular jQuery functions along with their native counterparts.

24 September 2014 10:45

GM - MPIV (Mouseuver Popup Image Viewer) : Host Rules How-To

You can make MPIV work with more sites by adding your own host rules. You don't need to edit the source code for this. Instead, you paste the rule into MPIV's settings dialog which is accessible from your script manager's toolbar icon menu, e g. "User Script Commands" → "Set up Mouseover Popup Image Viewer" for Greasemonkey users.

03 September 2013 13:30

CSS - VALEUR LIMITES (padding-bottom / margin-bottom) - - Colonnes de même hauteur - revisité - A la recherche du seul vrai Disposition

Attention cependant, les navigateurs ne permettent pas de jeter des valeurs arbitrairement grandes sur eux. Ils ont des limites. Dépasser cette limite et les colonnes se développeront à la valeur padding-bottom et vous finirez avec de très longues pages. Heureusement, nous connaissons cette limite (par Safari; le plus conservateur à ce sujet): 32767px. Cela devrait suffire pour la plupart des cas (se sentir si libre d'utiliser une valeur inférieure) et des rendements nous code comme ceci: # Block_1, # block_2, # block_3 { padding-bottom: 32767px; margin-bottom:-32767px; } # Wrapper { overflow: hidden; }

04 July 2013 13:30

CSS - A Couple of Use Cases for Calc() | CSS-Tricks

calc() is a native CSS way to do simple math right in CSS as a replacement for any length value (or pretty much any number value). It has four simple math operators: add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). Being able to do math in code is nice and a welcome addition to a language that is fairly number heavy. But is it useful? I've strained my brain in the past trying to think of obviously useful cases. There definitely are some though.

30 March 2010 18:45

Les Expressions Régulières - Rationnelles - Regex - Regexp sur ExpRegpour chaque fonction, d'une multitude d'exemples simples, qui se compliqueront par la suite, pour en arriver à des structures assez élaborées.

REGEX qui est une contraction de l'anglais Regular expression traduit en français par Expressions régulières, mais aussi Expressions rationnelles Qu'est ce qu'une expression régulière ? TROUVER (retrouver ==> coupler ==> assortir) des MOTIFS (pattern ==> profils ==> masques ==> structures) et de TRAITER (récupérer ==> extraire ==> remplacer) des éléments à l'intérieur d'un chaîne de caractères. On commence par déterminer le motif de ce que l'on cherche avant d'en appliquer le traitement souhaité grâce aux fonctions fournies par PHP. # Pour vous aider dans la compréhension de ce formidable outil, le cours sera agrémenté, Qu'est ce que je peux faire avec une expression régulière ? On peut tout faire avec une expression régulière... rien ne semble impossible en effet !.

12 March 2010 06:15

unsafeWindow - Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome - Stack Overflow

I have a Greasemonkey script that works just fine in Firefox and Opera. I struggle with getting it to work in Chrome, however. The problem is injecting a function into the page that can be invoked by code from the page. Here's what I'm doing so far: First, I get a helper reference to the unsafeWindow for Firefox. This allows me to have the same code for FF and Opera (and Chrome, I thought).

03 March 2010 03:00

Extraction de données html sur un site distant avec Php, MySQL et XML (2004) - Allociné - Club des décideurs et professionnels en Informatique

Résumé : Cet article présente une méthode pour récupérer des informations sur un site internet et les intégrer dans une base de données ou dans un flux XML.

25 August 2009 12:00

Tour de Flex, components, samples | Adobe Developer Connection

Tour de Flex component explorer Tour de Flex is a desktop application for exploring Flex capabilities and resources, including the core Flex components, Adobe AIR, data integration, and a variety of third-party components, effects, skins, and more. Tour de Flex has three primary goals: * Provide non-Flex developers with an overview of what is possible in Flex in a "look and see" environment * Provide Flex developers with an illustrated reference tool * Provide commercial and non-commercial Flex developers with a place to showcase their work

02 May 2009 04:30

Regular Expressions - Popular Tools, Utilities and Programming Languages That Support Regular Expressions - Specialized Tools and Utilities for Working with Regular Expressions - TutorialTools & LanguagesExamplesBooks & Reference

These tools and utilities have regular expressions as the core of their functionality. grep - The utility from the UNIX world that first made regular expressions popular PowerGREP - Next generation grep for Microsoft Windows RegexBuddy - Learn, create, understand, test, use and save regular expressions. RegexBuddy makes working with regular expressions easier than ever before. General Applications with Notable Support for Regular Expressions There are a lot of applications these days that support regular expressions in one way or another, enhancing certain part of their functionality. But certain applications stand out from the crowd by implementing a full-featured Perl-style regular expression flavor and allowing regular expressions to be used instead of literal search terms throughout the application. EditPad Pro - Convenient text editor with a powerful regex-based search and replace feature, as well as regex-based customizable syntax coloring.

13 December 2008 14:30

01 October 2008 04:30

Firefox Web Developer Toolbar | Webmaster Tips

Web Developer Toolbar is one of the most useful tools you can have for web design. This is a short introduction that will show you some ways that you can use it when making web sites.

01 October 2008 04:00

Create the Ultimate Firefox Web Development Profile :: the How-To Geek

by 1 other
Firefox configured with a separate profile just for web development, let's take a look at the extensions we can use to make Firefox into the ultimate web development tool. Must-Have Web Dev Extensions : These are all extensions that I use on a regular basis for web development. Firebug Web Developer Extension Aardvark Extension Colorzilla View Source With

11 August 2008 12:15

ThickBox 3.1___A webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library.

by 61 others
ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal.

10 July 2008 13:45

CSS Portal - Tutorials

Outils et Tutoriels... Templates et exemples...

25 June 2008 07:00

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ[]___ demo application___will be explained one at a time

One contains all the images retrieved from the Flickr RSS feed, and the other Window shows a single image that the user clicked on, contains several controls that the user may use to alter the shown image.

20 June 2008 09:30

Tutoriel : XML, XPath et DotNET - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

Lecture et écriture dans un fichier XML avec XPath Date de publication : 26/08/2007 ,

10 June 2008 11:30

10 June 2008 11:15

08 June 2008 04:15

🛠 DEV - TUTO - Dyn-web - Dynamic Web Coding - DHTML, JavaScript, Ajax and PHP in action!

by 2 others
Presenting scripts that are lightweight, unobtrusive, practical, well-documented and easy to implement. Providing tutorials with practical problem solving information.