public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags best & online

October 2006

Auto inline MP3 player Greasemonkey script - Lifehacker

A handy music player Greasemonkey script inserts a play button next to any MP3 file you happen upon on the web so you can listen before you download.

September 2006

August 2006

Google Labs (-)

by 56 others, Google's technology playground. Google labs showcases a few of our favorite ideas that aren't quite ready for prime time. Your feedback can help us improve them. Please play with these prototypes and send your comments directly to the Goo – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

Plaxo Products_________the more useful and accessible your address book

by 1 other
Plaxo Basic The more places you use Plaxo Basic, the more useful and accessible your address book will be! Plaxo Basic is Plaxo's core service and is free to everyone who joins. You update your info, your friends update theirs, and everyone stays in touch

Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide ________Geek Blog

by 27 others
Computers make us more productive. Yeah, right. Lifehacker recommends the software downloads and web sites that actually save time. Don't live to geek; geek to live.

March 2006

Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications |_Virtual Karma: Rian's blog

by 36 others
Complete List of Web 2.0 Applications Following is an alphabetically sorted list of popular Web 2.0 applications. The description for each of the application is taken from their own About or FAQ pages.

Incompetech: Creation de papiers spéciaux style partition etc à imprimer

by 2 others
Configurable, riches tout les styles de papiers à imprimer sois meme....

Flickr Leech _________application pour Flickr

by 32 others
Flickr Leech that allows you to browse all 500 photos in Interestingness at a time for any given day. You can also browse all photos in your stream, or any user's stream, etc. Check it out. I found a photo of mine that I just add

February 2006

PictureCloud_Tech Bee » Blog Archive » Un nuage d’images

PictureCloud, outil en ligne qui vous permet de faire une vidéo panoramique (à 360°) à partir de photos digitales. Le tour de votre maison, d’un objet ou d’un animal, sous toutes ses coutures. La page d’accueil donne des exemples d’u

January 2006

Gmail File Space____ extention firefox

by 20 others
utiliser votre espace Gmail (2Go) pour stocker vos fichiers. his extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This is similar to "Gmail Drive"

August 2005 »

by 2 others
Il n'y a rien de plus insupportable que ces sites qui réclament une inscription gratuite pour vous laisser accéder à leur contenu. BugMeNot vous fournira le login/pass qui va bien... Marche surtout avec les sites anglophones.Bypass compulsory web regis

June 2005