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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags article & guide


DEV - Great Resources Every Beginning a Front-end Developer Should Bookmark by vydargis on CodePen

If you just get started your a front-end developer career, it might be overwhelming to learn something every day. To optimize your time, it might be useful to know solid resources, to keep up with a demanding programmers’ environment. In this brief article, you will find 6 useful resources that in my opinion I think every beginning a front-end developer career should bookmark.


FIR - ADDON - Example extensions - Mozilla | MDN

To help illustrate how to develop extensions, we maintain a repository of simple example extensions at This article describes the WebExtension APIs used in that repository.


How to create Firefox extensions

by 25 others
Everyone has a good idea at one time or another to implement a new feature in a web browser. Well, with the goodness that is Mozilla Firefox, now you can do just that. You need to have a vague understanding of XUL and Javascript, but you certainly don’t


Us.ef.ul A beginner's guide 2004 » Us.ef.ul (beelerspace)

by 23 others
Us.ef.ul A beginner's guide to The Next Big Thing By John Sat Nov 13, 12:54am 2004 Tagged as: trends net (For this article in Spanish, click here) There are several reasons you should probably be using If you use computers in multiple locatio

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
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