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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags addon & extension


FIR - ADDON - Comment activer les extensions que Firefox n'approuve pas ? - Korben

Quand mon Firefox beta s'est mis à jour vers la version 41, Firefox m'a bloqué de force certaines extensions (un bon paquet à vrai dire) car elles n'ont pas été "approuvées" par Firefox. Voici donc comment faire pour ressusciter vos extensions et contourner ce garde fou mis en place par Mozilla. Tout d'abord, entrez about:config dans la barre d'adresse : Puis cherchez la valeur - "xpinstall.signatures.required" - Modifiez sa valeur pour la passer à "false"

EDITOR - CodeMirror - ADDON - User Manual

The addon directory in the distribution contains a number of reusable components that implement extra editor functionality

ANTi PUBS - µBlock, une alternative sérieuse à AdBlock ? | Kaio

extension uBlock dont le but est de bloquer les publicités sur le web un peu à la manière d’AdBlock mais j’entends dire lis que uBlock, c’est mieux qu’AdBlock parce que ça consomme moins de mémoire.


Q: I'm worried by the fact some sites require the domain to be whitelisted. I'd prefer not to allow it everywhere, but only on some parent sites I trust. How can I do it? __ A: You can use ABE to this effect, by adding the following rule to your NoScript Options|Advanced|ABE USER ruleset: Site __ Accept INCLUSION from SELF++ ___ Accept INCLUSION from ____ Deny ___ Notice the leading dot "." before domains, which is syntactic sugar for *, i.e. a domain and its subdomains. ____ It should also be noted that, independently from this rule, external scripts are never loaded from pages which don't belong to a whitelisted site, hence no malicious website you didn't explicitly whitelisted could execute scripts from anyway. ___

FIR - Addon - ResumeLater - Video Youtube

resumeLater lets you bookmark videos on Youtube and saves your current position. It allows you to resume playback at that position.

FIR CONFIG - ANTI PUB - Le kit de base du surf tranquille 2 | Sans Pseudo Fix

06 - 02 - 201Presque trois ans après le premier kit de base du surf tranquille, il est temps de voir les nouveautés et les changements. Parce que oui, l’informatique est un domaine en constant mouvement, et qu’il faut s’adapter.

CHROME - ADDON - OCR - Project Naptha

by 2 others (via)
Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image.

FIR ADDON - Bookmarks - BibSonomy :: buttons

Add three useful BibSonomy control buttons to your browser by installing this add-on: __ with one click to BibSonomy __ store a publication __ store a bookmark




36 liens pour réparer et comprendre Firefox - NICOpenSource

Après plus de 7000 messages postés sur les forums d'entraide de Geckozone et concernant principalement le navigateur Mozilla Firefox, j'ai pu repérer divers problèmes plus ou moins récurrents, et je me suis constitué un dossier de marque-pages intitulé Aide Geckozone. Je vous propose 36 liens issus de ce dossier. Il y a des tutoriels concoctés par différents membres du forum, la solution à des problèmes plus ou moins fréquents, des articles (en particulier du portail Geckozone), etc.


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - Améliorer le statut d'un livre dans le catalogue en Ligne d'une Bibliothèque) - Group LAPL Holds by status for Greasemonkey

Groups Los Angeles Public Library ( holds (requests) by status: Ready for Pickup, In Transit, or Pending. Instead of just listing the holds by status, this userscript groups them by status. For holds that are Ready for Pickup it shows for each pickup date: * The number of days you have left to pick up your holds. Remember that "a $1.00 fee will be charged if an item placed on hold is not canceled or picked up by the "Hold Until" date." * The day of the week when the holds are due to be picked up * The pickup date * and the number of items to be picked up by that date. This is then followed by the items due to be picked up sorted by title. For holds that are Pending I list the items by the ratio of available # of copies to queue position. This gives you some idea of the order in which your holds will be available. If the ratio is above 1.00 you can expect the hold to be available "soon" (within 3 weeks).

BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - Relier le catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque et des services comme Amazon ( US, Canada, France Germany and Japan, not UK) - Amazon TorPLib Linky for Greasemonkey

Customized Carrick Mundell’s LibraryLookup Greasemonkey script for the Seattle Public Library) to do the same for the Toronto Public Library. What’s it do? On any book listing page, the script inserts a hyper-link below the book title which, when clicked, will search for the book in the Toronto Public Library catalog. the Library Search Url and Library Name are now separate variables to make it a little easier to customized for other Library Systems. It does not work for the UK site. Why? Because the UK does not use the same class element names to give it a place to insert the html rewrite link. In fact, it only uses 2 class names on the whole item page. The Style Sheet and classes are there, they just don’t use them. Weird. This particular madness was kickoff by John Udell who started the LibraryLookup Project ( in 2002 (with bookmarklet’s). Many Thanks.

BIB - Exemple de Bookmarklet et de Script Greasemonkey pour relier le catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque et des services comme Amazon - eBranch::Catalog Search Tools - Amazon Lookup

Catalog Bookmarklet Works with Internet Explorer or Firefox. Simply drag this LCLS Book Lookup to your Links bar in Internet Explorer or your Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox. When ever you are on a Barnes & Noble or Amazon page with 10 digit ISBN numbers just click on the LCLS Book Lookup and it will search the Lycoming County Library System Catalog. For best results use the Amazon LCLS Lookup below. Adding a bookmarklet: Internet Explorer Instructions | Instructions for Firefox and Internet Explorer Amazon LCLS Lookup : Do you use® to locate books? Wish you could easily find out if the Library owns a book you have found? Now you can! : Our Amazon LCLS Lookup tool displays information about the Library status of books you find in Amazon, right on the Amazon results page. Just click on the link on the Amazon page and you wil see if a title is available locally. The Lookup tool requires the Firefox web browser. Look for this yellow box on any Amazon results page

Incredible Bookmarks (Extensioin Firefox) : Gérer vos marque-pages .

- Customiser tous vos liens, en leur associant des couleurs ou encore en n'affichant que la miniature. - Créer un nombre infini de barres personnelles pour trier vos liens par genre, par exemple. - Retrouver rapidement l'information recherchée - Trier vos marque-pages par ordre alphabétique, temps de visite ou encore les trier selon un mot-clé spécifié.

ImTranslator - Extension Firefox de traduction - Avec lecture Vocale

Traduire des textes dans près de 40 langues, dont l'arabe, le français, l'anglais, l'espagnol, le russe, le portugais, le japonais, l'italien, l'allemand, le néerlandais, le bulgare ou encore le serbe. - Traduire un texte, il vous suffira simplement de le sélectionner puis de cliquer sur l'icône de l'extension dans le menu de Firefox. Pour les langages inconnus, ImTranslator vous propose également une option de détection automatique. - Lecture par synthèse vocale. Cette fonctionnalité supporte les principales langues que sont l'anglais, le chinois, le français, l'allemand, l'italien, le japonais, le coréen, le portugais, le russe et l'espagnol. - Correcteur orthographique pour certaines langues ainsi qu'un dictionnaire permettant de traduire mots et expressions étrangères.

"Ouvrir Dans Le Navigateur " :Ouvrir les Documents dans la fenêtre du navigateur - Modules pour Firefox

Offre la possibilité d'ouvrir les documents dans la fenêtre du navigateur.Avez-vous déjà été ennuyé lorsque vous voulez ouvrir un document et que la fenêtre de téléchargement apparaît qui vous force à sélectionner une application externe pour le voir ? Cette extension vous permet d'ouvrir le document directement dans le navigateur. Vous pouvez également changer le type mime du document visionné.

OptimizeGoogle - Remplaçant de "CustomizeGoogle" adandonné ....Il fonctionne dans Firefox 3.6.

Si le module CustomizeGoogle (pour Firefox) vous manquait, prenez son remplaçant, OptimizeGoogle. On peut virer les pubs, faire une recherche sans pagination, forcer HTTPS, ajouter automatiquement des liens vers Wikipedia,WaybackMachine, anonymiser le cookie Google lors des recherches, supprimer le suivi des clics, filtrer définitivement certains résultats de recherche, etc.

Better Gmail Firefox add-on

As you can see, this add-on packs a wallop, including many of our old (and new) favorites such as the Macros script (for many more keyboard shortcuts Gmail should really have in the first place), an Unlabelled label hack and a Filter Assistant which brings that handy email client functionality of building filters from a currently selected message. Of course, one could run out and find all these scripts on their own, but Better Gmail takes the clicking out of that process and wraps all this great stuff into one handy extension, complete with the ability to disable it all in one fell swoop in case you need to get back to Gmail's basics.

Greasefire - Automatically find Greasemonkey scripts on - when you visit a web site, how do you know if there are better ways to view it?

by 1 other
a Firefox add-on that will tell you if there are any user scripts for the page you're visiting. When you have Greasefire and Greasemonkey installed a little monkey will show up in the bottom right corner of your Firefox status bar. If there are scripts available for the site you're viewing, the monkey's background color will change to red. And when you right click on the icon you'll see the number of available scripts. Click on that number and a window will open telling you more about those scripts.

Mozilla Launches "Rock Your Firefox" To Promote Best Firefox Add-ons

Mozilla has launched a new campaign "Rock Your Firefox" to promote best Firefox add-ons. "Rock Your Firefox" will feature reviews of most useful Firefox add-ons."We’re launching Rock Your Firefox to feature reviews, feedback, and insights from people around the Web who are using Firefox Add-ons to make their online experience better. There are thousands of ways to customize your browser with Firefox Add-ons in categories like social, communication, travel and photos, music and video. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we’ll highlight relevant and helpful Firefox Add-ons."


AMO Link. - Greasemonkey Script - Replaces the url in the link text with the add-on’s name.

If you, like me, visit Firefox forums or similar regularly, maybe you also often see people only posting the url of an add-on not saying which one it is. This script queries the AMO API for every link to an add-on it finds and replaces the url in the link text with the add-on’s name.

Google Fx v2.1.9 for Greasemonkey - firefox et opera

AutoPaging + Site ThumbShots + Google Suggest (multi-lang) + Easy Filters + Right Panel Feature + Images Redirect & Preview + Searchers + Static TopBar + NoAds + Nice Look&Feel + User's Settings + MultiLanguage & more... [Opera & Firefox] Version: 2.1.9

Measure It

by 1 other
MeasureIt - Aide à la mesure précise des dimensions des éléments d'un page, à l'aide de la souris.