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PUBLIC MARKS from creditdebit with tags money & "debt consolidation"

September 2009

Credit After Bankruptcy - Rebuilding Takes Responsibility

Tip! It is true when they say that the bankruptcy laws can be rather complex. One of the most common is Chapter 7, which discharges all financial debts. 1f62 What’s the real reason behind bankruptcy? Are easy credit cards to blame? Good enough,...

August 2009

Finding a Bankruptcy Attorney in New Hampshire

Tip! The next step in filing for bankruptcy is to determine exactly what assets you have available to you. Your assets include your recurring income from your job, your home and major items of personal property that you might own (including such items...

July 2009

Ohio Bankruptcy Lawyers

Tip! Have derogatory credit items removed from your credit report. For the items charged off in your bankruptcy, you will need to send a copy (not the original) of your bankruptcy discharge papers to all 3 of the credit bureaus asking them to remove t...

New York Bankruptcy Lawyers, II

Tip! Pay all of your bills on time. Bankruptcy is a means to financial recovery. As in other places in the United States, bankruptcy lawyers in New York help clients who are facing foreclosures to find ways on how they can pay off their debts or devis...

May 2009

Bankruptcy and Debt Consolidation Options

Tip! All of your debts are not wiped out in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are certain types of debts that can not be discharged under Chapter 7. With sweeping changes in credit law, consumers find themselves scrambling for solutions. Should I get cre...

March 2009

Some Important Bankruptcy Information

Tip! Pay all of your bills on time. Bankruptcy is a means to financial recovery. It seems as if a lot of people are going bankrupt, if you think about it. A lot of famous people, as well as regular citizens. It is not the end of the world, and you can...

Personal Bankruptcy Advice

Tip! Whether you are getting a car loan, mortgage loan or personal loan, one major factor that will get you qualified is your present income. Financial institutions who offer loans after bankruptcy are more concerned about your present finances than yo...

Bankruptcy Instead of Debtor's Prison

Tip! The third step you need to undertake when it comes to seeking bankruptcy relief is to contact all three major credit bureaus. When all is said and done, the three major credit bureaus may have the best record of all of your outstanding debt. Bank...

February 2009

Learn How to Avoid Bankruptcy and Become Debt Free!

Tip! In working towards fully understanding how to file for bankruptcy, if you do make the decision to hire a lawyer, you will need to begin an organized search to find the best attorney to meet your needs. Keep in mind that in this day and age there ...

Preventing Personal Bankruptcy is the Best Bankruptcy Alternative

Tip! Whether you are getting a car loan, mortgage loan or personal loan, one major factor that will get you qualified is your present income. Financial institutions who offer loans after bankruptcy are more concerned about your present finances than yo...

Bankruptcy Alternatives - 2 Effective Options Are Available

Tip! You must list all of your debts. Each creditor that you owe money to must be disclosed in your bankruptcy petition. 1f9d Bankruptcy filing has hit a record high in the United States. A new bankruptcy law has been passed called “Bankruptcy...

January 2009

Bankruptcy Laws - Help Protecting Distressed People In Debt

Tip! In working towards fully understanding how to file for bankruptcy, if you do make the decision to hire a lawyer, you will need to begin an organized search to find the best attorney to meet your needs. Keep in mind that in this day and age there ...

December 2008

Atkins Bankruptcy: Your New Decisions To A Healthy Life!

Tip! The final step in considering bankruptcy is to actually engage the services of an attorney. At this juncture, you attorney will prepare a bankruptcy petition on your behalf that will be filed in the bankruptcy court. Atkins Nutritionals filed for...

November 2008

Navigation After Financial Closure - Bankruptcy Personal Loans

Tip! bankruptcy is when you request complete debt relief. Bankruptcy has a stigma attached to it that is hard to eradicate. Is that what you really think, then you need to rethink. Just because you have filed for bankruptcy does not mean you do not hav...

Car Loans After Bankruptcy - 3 Things You Should Know

Tip! Forward these documents along with the discharge to all of the credit-reporting agencies (listed below) requesting that each creditor included in the bankruptcy be updated to properly reflect a zero balance with the status included in bankruptcy. ...

October 2008

Bad Credit Auto Lenders - Getting a Car after Bankruptcy

Tip! The forth factor that needs to be considered on the road to filing for bankruptcy, is to determine whether you will seek professional assistance in the pursuit of a bankruptcy case. Some people do elect to file for bankruptcy on their own without...

Car Loans After Bankruptcy

Tip! It is also a requirement, for those wishing to obtain a bankruptcy home loan, to have a debt-to-income ratio of between forty-five to fifty percentile range. Are you a victim of your own credit misfortunes and had to file for bankruptcy to resolve...

Auto Loans after Bankruptcy - Should You Finance a New or Used Car?

Tip! bankruptcy is a repayment plan that will restructure your arrearage. More than 95% of all Ch. Deciding whether to purchase a new or used car is a big decision, especially if you have just filed a recent bankruptcy. Of course, the decision is l...

Auto Loan after Bankruptcy - Restoring Credit with an Auto Loan

Tip! The forth factor that needs to be considered on the road to filing for bankruptcy, is to determine whether you will seek professional assistance in the pursuit of a bankruptcy case. Some people do elect to file for bankruptcy on their own without...

September 2008

Bankruptcy 101: It is 2006, Stay Informed

Tip! Fourth step is optional; you can apply for a mortgage after bankruptcy even with bankruptcy discharged yesterday and just about any time you want. The Basics I know most of you know about bankruptcy, for those of you that do not, here are some bas...

August 2008

New Bankruptcy Law - Targeting the Wrong People?

Tip! In working towards fully understanding how to file for bankruptcy, if you do make the decision to hire a lawyer, you will need to begin an organized search to find the best attorney to meet your needs. Keep in mind that in this day and age there ...

July 2008

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt Debt Without Bankruptcy

Tip! You won’t lose everything that you have. While bankruptcy laws vary from state to state, every state has exemptions that protect certain kinds of assets, such as your clothes, household goods, your home and your car (up to a certain value) ...

Bankruptcy Information

Tip! The forth factor that needs to be considered on the road to filing for bankruptcy, is to determine whether you will seek professional assistance in the pursuit of a bankruptcy case. Some people do elect to file for bankruptcy on their own without...

June 2008

Debt Consolidation - How To Avoid Bankruptcy

Tip! Have derogatory credit items removed from your credit report. For the items charged off in your bankruptcy, you will need to send a copy (not the original) of your bankruptcy discharge papers to all 3 of the credit bureaus asking them to remove t...

Eliminate Credit Card Debt - Reduce Debt without Bankruptcy

Tip! You will also have to prove how well you make payments. Again, lenders will not focus on your credit payment history ending in bankruptcy but rather on the payments that you have made since your filing. Acquiring too much debt can put a major stra...