public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from clarity with tags "laser treatment" & aging

14 April 2015

Exilis Elite™- Facial Skin Tightening

As candles on our birthday cake increase, our desire to look youthful remains and we spend our hard earned money on various beauty products which are priced high, but with fewer benefits. Offering a more comfortable and affordable alternative to Thermage, Exilis™ stimulates and strengthens the collagen network to improve skin laxity and texture painlessly.

10 March 2015

Where do wrinkles and folds come from?

As we grow older our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic and skin's capability to protect itself also reduces with the process of aging and a fold or ridge gives your face a wrinkled expression which is know are wrinkles and fold. Some other reasons can be smoking, genetic factor, exposure to ultra-violet rays and lighter skin etc.Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications, as well as a number of other factors may also cause wrinkles to develop.