public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from claire_ with tag clevermarks

October 2008

CodeLobster - Drupal plug-in for free PHP IDE with support Drupal CMS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Drupal plug-in for free PHP IDE with support Drupal CMS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

September 2008

Acquia Drupal | Acquia

Acquia Drupal is a commercially supported distribution of the open source Drupal social publishing system. A packaged collection of some of the best software from the Drupal community, Acquia Drupal offers you an advanced starting point to quickly begin building Drupal websites.

Drupal Developer’s Toolbox | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

by 4 others
a thorough collection of all kinds of resources that will aid designers and developers working with Drupal-powered websites

Exploiter l'API Schéma de Drupal 6

Avec Drupal 6, il est maintenant possible de définir un schéma de base de donnée par module comprenant une ou plusieurs tables de manière très simplifiée.

Simplicio: A Free Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine

by 4 others
The set contains 78 free icons in .png and .ico including AI which can be useful for both corporate and personal setting. You can use the set for free...

Google Docs Bar - Companion for Firefox

by 1 other
gDocsBar is a sidebar extension for firefox, a perfect companion for Google® Docs. With gDocsBar, you can drag and drop multiple files into the sidebar to upload documents.

August 2008

Web services in Drupal: Configuring Services module for security | Trellon

The Services module allows Drupal developers to easily build out web services on their sites and is an important component for web portals that offer access to content through an API.

DIY Map: Create clickable maps in Flash

by 2 others
DIY Map is a clickable, zooming map written in Flash and colored by data from an external text file

July 2008

France24 releases nodeselect code! | LAB France24

Improve the nodereference CCK fields. The module runs a quick search engine. The user can filter node by title, creation date, status. They can drag and drop the node into a nodereference field and change the order of the field.

Yahoo! Search Blog: BOSS -- The Next Step in our Open Search Ecosystem

a web services platform that allows developers and companies to create and launch web-scale search products by utilizing the same infrastructure and technology that powers Yahoo! Search.

June 2008

Mapnik C++/Python GIS Toolkit | Welcome

by 5 others
Mapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. Above all Mapnik is about making beautiful maps. It is easily extensible and suitable for both desktop and web development.

COLOURlovers API Documentation and Showcase by COLOURlovers

With the release of the COLOURlovers API, you can now access almost 1 million named colors and more than 325,000 color palettes for your creative projects and applications

COPASO | Pro Color Palette Software from COLOURlovers

COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color schemes and themes. With a scratch pad to save colors you're working with, a photo tool to extract colors and an advanced color picker and color theory wheel to give you tons

Development & Production Sites with Database Prefixes |

The idea is to isolate the configurations for the two different sites in two differently prefixed sets of tables, and allow all the content, users, taxonomy, etc. to mingle

Why we skip Photoshop - (37signals)

When designing a UI we usually go right from a quick paper sketch to HTML/CSS. We skip the static Photoshop mockup. Here are a few reasons why we skip photoshop:

Programmatically creating CCK nodes in PHP (interaction with the Path module) | sacha chua :: enterprise 2.0 consultant, storyteller, geek

Following the instructions for programmatically creating, inserting, and updating CCK nodes will get you most of the way there. Here are some of the gotchas you’ll want to watch out for.

Internationalization Support for ApacheSolr in Drupal | Development Seed

With the new patches and a slight change to the search index schema, ApacheSolr will store the languages you choose with the i18n module. Then you can enable the Language Filter block to perform faceted searches based on language

Deployment |

The deployment framework is a series of modules which are designed to allow developers to easily stage Drupal data from one site to another.

Stuff & Nonsense: eZ Publish News: "No he's not dead, he's restin'!"

The next version of our flagship product eZ Publish 4.1 will be released with an improved kernel and several extensions providing new or enhanced features.