public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from christinamedia with tags freelance & css

04 December 2006

CSS Automatic Creators: Top 3 FREE Sources for Automatically created CSS Code

There are many resources available online to assist you in creating semantically correct CSS code, CSS layout and CSS lists. I have found these three sites, that offer automatically generated CSS code for these structures within your website.

10 November 2006

Web Design Tutorial: Creating Simple CSS Rollovers - Associated Content

CSS Tutorial, creating CSS rollovers for your website. Guide to designing and properly coding your CSS and HTML for simple, clean rollovers

05 November 2006

Styling CSS and HTML Unordered Lists - Associated Content

HTML List items are multi-functional and provide a lot of options for customizing and designing your HTML document. This tutorial explains how to construct simple CSS/HTML Unordered lists

30 October 2006