public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags webmasters & administration

December 2007

Category:OWASP Guide Project - OWASP

* 1 Frontispiece * 2 About The Open Web Application Security Project * 3 Introduction * 4 What are web applications? * 5 Policy Frameworks * 6 Secure Coding Principles * 7 Threat Risk Modeling * 8 Handling E-Commerce Payments * 9 Phishing * 10 Web Services * 11 Ajax and Other "Rich" Interface Technologies * 12 Guide to Authentication * 13 Guide to Authorization * 14 Session Management * 15 Data Validation * 16 Interpreter Injection * 17 Canonicalization, locale and Unicode * 18 Error Handling, Auditing and Logging * 19 File System * 20 Distributed Computing * 21 Buffer Overflows * 22 Administrative Interface * 23 Guide to Cryptography * 24 Configuration * 25 Software Quality Assurance * 26 Deployment * 27 Maintenance * 28 GNU Free Documentation License * 29 Reference

September 2007

[Les publications de Webmaster Hub]

Design et Graphisme | Domaines et hébergement | Droit, finances et administration | La Tribune du Hub | Langages du Net | Les serveurs Web | Référencement et publicité | Techniques Internet |

July 2007

<CodeJacked/> - Productivity and technology tips to get you jacked!

* Design * Linux * Productivity * Programming * Security * Software * Uncategorized * Windows