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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags telecharger & bureautique

June 2007

Free PDF Converter - doPDF

by 7 others
Main features of this free PDF converter: * No Ghostscript - doesn’t require 3rd party programs to create PDF files (like Ghostscript) * Customizable resolution - choose any resolution from 72 dpi to 2400 dpi * Predefined/custom page sizes - choose a default page size (like Letter, Legal, A4, A5, A6, ...) or enter your own custom page size * Searchable PDFs - you can search for text within the generated PDF file (and search engines will also index the text from the PDF) * Multi-language - choose a language for the user interface from the 20 languages currently supported

CutePDF - Create PDF for free, Free PDF Utilities, Edit PDF easily;.

by 1 other
CutePDF Writer (formerly CutePDF Printer) is the free version of commercial PDF creation software. CutePDF Writer installs itself as a "printer subsystem". This enables virtually any Windows applications (must be able to print) to create professional quality PDF documents - with just a push of a button! FREE for personal and commercial use! No watermarks! No Popup Web Ads! Have specific and advanced needs above and beyond that of other users? Integrate PDF creation ability into any application, solution, service or terminal server (e.g. Citrix) environment and more. Custom Redistribution now available! Installation Requirements * Supports Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP (x64)/2003 (x64)/Vista (x64)


by 3 others
PDFill PDF Tools are FREE PDF Toolbox to Merge, Split, Reorder, Encrypt, Decrypt, Rotate, Crop, Reformat, Header, Footer, Watermark, Images to PDF, PDF to Images, Form Fields Delete/Flatten/List, and PostScript to PDF.

DocX Converter et pack de compatibilité Office 2007 | Korben's Blog

Docx n’est pas un nouveau film "rose" mais plutot le nouveau format open xml de Word 2007 ! Et malheureusement, pour le moment, seuls les possesseurs de Office 2007 (ou d’un des ces composants) peuvent lire ce genre de fichiers… Alors si vous êtes sur une ancienne version d’office, sous Mac OS ou Linux, ou si vous utilisez tout simplement OpenOffice, ou Lotus123 comment lire les fichiers Docx ? Pour le moment, cela n’est pas possible (en attendant que les appli soient mises a jour) mais un site propose tout simplement de convertir le docx en texte. C’est déjà mieux que rien ! Ca se passe par ici: DocX Converter Mais j’en encore mieux ! Pour les utilisateurs d’une ancienne version d’office, Microsoft propose un pack de compatibilité permettant d’ouvrir, de créer et d’éditer sur votre version de Word tous ces nouveaux format Open XML (Pour excel, word, powerpoint and co…) Merci Microsoft

May 2007

SimpleOCR - the only royalty free OCR engine!

by 4 others
Use SimpleOCR to add accurate character recognition capabilities to your custom software without the complexity and expense of runtime licensing. The SimpleOCR freeware demonstrates the power of our engine and is the only OCR application that is completely free. * SimpleOCR is the only OCR SDK that's Royalty Free Save on every runtime license * Competitive OCR accuracy Recognizes many documents just as well as its high-cost competitors * Implemented as a C library with ActiveX wrapper included for easy integration * Source code available to add custom recognition features to your application * Based on WOCAR by Cyril Cambien


MacGSView is a graphical interface for Ghostscript. Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers. For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, MacGSView allows selected pages to be viewed or printed.

April 2007

Dirk Paehl - my PDF Tools

On this site you can find my PDF Tools All tools on this site are free for privat and commercial use # DOC2PDF # WatchDoc # PDFWRITER english # GUI for PDFTK # NETPDF # PS TO PDF 1.0

Dirk Paehl Opensource page - HTMLDOC 1.8.x OpenSource Version

HTMLDOC converts HTML files and web pages into indexed HTML, PostScript, and PDF files suitable for on-line viewing and printing. HTMLDOC can be used as a standalone GUI application, in a batch document processing environment, as a web-based report generation application, or in embedded environments to support printing of HTML content!

November 2006

01net. - Un SharePoint libre pour OpenOffice

L'éditeur O3Spaces sort une version commerciale de son outil collaboratif. Accessible en ligne, il propose le partage d'espaces de travail et de documents, y compris ceux de Microsoft Office. Pour remplacer le couple Office-SharePoint, il manquait à OpenOffice une brique de gestion collaborative des documents. C'est chose faite avec la version commerciale d'O3Spaces (il existe une version communautaire de ce logiciel libre), édité par la société néerlandaise éponyme.