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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags programming & javascript

December 2006

Code Snippets

by 48 others
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags and share them with the world.

by 2 others
* Ajax (2) * Base (4) * common (2) * CSS (4) * DOM (9) * General (11) * HTML (2) * Humour (5) * IE7 (15) * JavaScript (34) * moz-behaviors (2) * onload (5) * packer (3) * Site (8) * WaSP (4) * Web Forms 2.0 (3)

slayeroffice | Javascript Object Tree Favelet

by 6 others
This will overlay your current document with a DIV element containing a collapsed list of all the javascript object types currently referenced by the page, from functions to strings to booleans and all else that falls between. Clicking the object type - for example "function", will expand a new list with all of the function names. Clicking one of the function names will expand into the function's body.

Firebug and the Command Line

JavaScript Command Line The command line is one of the oldest tools in the programming toolbox. Firebug gives you a good ol' fashioned command line for JavaScript complete with very modern amenities.

EchoEcho.Com - Web Hosting - JavaScript Tutorial - HTML tutorial - CSS Tutorial - Flash Tutorial - Online for free!

EchoEcho.Com is your one stop free help site for all things web related. Use the top links to jump between 1000 pages. Visit our forum for online help with your site. Read D-zine articles to learn design principles.

JavaScript Kit- Comprehensive JavaScript, DHTML, CSS tutorials and over 400 free JavaScripts!

by 9 others
Scripts | JavaScript Tutorials | JavaScript Reference | DOM Reference | Applets | DHTML | Design : * Free JavaScripts * JavaScript Tutorials * Free Java applets * DHTML/ CSS Tutorials * Web building tutorials * JavaScript Reference : DOM Reference, CSS Reference

Aptana: The Web IDE

Aptana is a robust, JavaScript-focused IDE for building dynamic web applications. Highlights include the following features: * Code Assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, including your own JavaScript functions * Outliner that gives a snapshot view of your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code structure * NEW: FTP/SFTP uploading, downloading and synchronization * NEW: JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code * Error and warning notification for your code * Support for Aptana UI customization and extensions * Cross-platform support * Free and open source licensed under the Eclipse Public License, v1.0.

November 2006

Yahoo! Developer Network Home - Welcome!

by 16 others
# JavaScript Developer Center # Flash Developer Center # .NET Developer Center # PHP Developer Center # Python Developer Center # Ruby Developer Center


by 4 others
A service that lets you program in different programming languages online. Registered users can save files on site and communicate between users.

JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier

by 13 others
JSLint un interpreteur JavaScript en ligne mais pas seulement ! En téléchargeant le fichier approprié, vous pourrez vous en servir avec WSH (Windows Script Host), Rhino et même Konfabulator.

January 2006

Developers Guide to Semantic Web Toolkits for different Programming Languages

by 1 other (via)
all the programming frameworks for Semantic Web : C - Haskell - Java - JavaScript - Common Lisp - .Net/Mono - Perl - PHP - Pike - Prolog - Python - Ruby - Proprietary Languages

*** Ajax & Intérêts - Gérald's blog ***

by 1 other (via)
En gros, c’est quoi ce Ajax ? Une présentation simple et imagée