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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags web & javascript


21 scripts Javascript pour l'intégrateur HTML et CSS

by 3 others (via)
Les bibliothèques Javascript — comme jQuery et la myriade de plugins qui l’accompagne — facilitent la vie des développeurs web en leur permettant de manipuler le DOM les mains dans les poches. Toutefois, il est toujours bon d’avoir quelques fonctions standalone sous la souris pour se faciliter l’intégration cross-browser ! Voici une sélection de 21 scripts pour faire face à toutes les situations (ou presque) :

CrossSlide - A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animations

by 7 others (via)
CrossSlide is a jQuery plugin that implements in Javascript some common slide-show animations, traditionally only available to the web developer via Adobe Flash™ or other proprietary plugins. CrossSlide builds upon jQuery's animation facility, so it is as portable across browsers as jQuery itself (a lot.)

Flexigrid for jQuery : Web 2.0 Javascript Data Grid

by 7 others (via)
Lightweight but rich javascript data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content. Similar in concept with the Ext Grid only its pure jQuery love, which makes it light weight and follows the jQuery mantra of running with the least amount of configuration. Features * Resizable columns * Resizable height and width * Sortable column headers * Cool theme * Can convert an ordinary table * Ability to connect to an ajax data source (XML and JSON[new]) * Paging * Show/hide columns * Toolbar (new) * Search (new) * Accessible API * Many more

TYPOlight - CMS - Logiciels Libres - Framasoft

TYPOlight est un système de gestion de contenu web créé en 2004 par Leo Feyer, et soutenu aujourd’hui par une équipe d’une vingtaine de développeurs. L’objectif était dès le départ de proposer un CMS : * 100% accessible qu’il s’agisse de l’interface d’administration fondée sur AJAX mais fonctionnant aussi sans javascript (suffisamment rare pour être noté) ou du code généré côté utilisateur (tous deux conformes WAI) ; * moderne avec dès le départ une base de code en PHP5 orienté objet, un système de mise à jour automatique (payant, dégressif pour plusieurs domaines), un outil d’installation des extensions simple et sûr et un code généré valide XHTML strict ; * flexible du point de vue de la personnalisation des modèles de page (en s’appuyant sur un solide framework CSS) ou nativement du point de vue des types de contenus (pas de contrainte de structure de type titre - sous-titre - contenu).

Speeqe – Trac

Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol. It is chat made simple. The goal is to give the user the best and easiest experience in creating chat rooms. It is a combination of javascript and python code using a collection of open source software and software tools. This collection is nginx or apache for a frontend. The frontend serves the webclient which is javascript using Strophe and JQuery. It also proxies to Punjab for the BOSH connection to connect to XMPP based servers. To tie it all together there is a small amount of django. Features ¶ HTML/javascript client Themable (all UI is in one html file) Inline images. Inline youtube videos. Kick,ban,unban support. Room configuration. DNS named rooms (ie will go to the room speeqers@…) Ability to connect to federated XMPP servers and chat rooms.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers to span elements and everything in between!

Tutorial jQuery

by 2 others
jQuery est une bibliothèque javascript open-source et cross-browser qui permet de traverser et manipuler très facilement l’arbre DOM de vos pages web à l’aide d’une syntaxe fortement similaire à celle d’XPath (qui est la syntaxe de manipulation d’arbre XML). jQuery vous permet par exemple de changer/ajouter une classe CSS, créer des animations, modifier des attributs, etc. mais également de gérer les événements javascript ainsi que de faire des requetes AJAX le plus simplement du monde.

Yahoo! Media Player

by 2 others (via)
The Yahoo! Media Player enhances your web site or blog by creating an embedded player for each audio link. All the links can be played with one click, turning the page into a playlist. This is done by adding our JavaScript to your page.


Interface elements for jQuery - About Interface

by 19 others
Interface is a collection of rich interface components which utilizes the lightweight JavaScript library jQuery. With this components you can build rich client web applications and interfaces with the same simplicity as writing JavaScript with jQuery.

13 Awesome Javascript CSS Menus

by 3 others
Every web designer tries to be creative when it comes to designing the main navigation of the website. Now we present you with 13 awesome Javascript CSS menus that will be very handy and easy to modify to suit your needs. Lets take a look at recent examples of these …

jQuery UI: Widgets, Components, and Interactions

by 11 others (via)
jQuery UI is a set of themable widgets and interactions, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications. The core of the library revolves around different mouse interactions, namely drag and dropping, sorting, selecting, and resizing. On top of the core interactions are built a number of reusable widgets, including accordions, date pickers, dialogs, sliders, table sorters, and tabs. Finally, the library is finished off with a few effects that you can use to liven up your site, specifically magnifier and shadow.

deconcept › SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script

by 33 others
SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Adobe Flash content. The script can detect the Flash plug-in in all major web browsers (on Mac and PC) and is designed to make embedding Flash movies as easy as possible. It is also very search engine friendly, degrades gracefully, can be used in valid HTML and XHTML 1.0 documents*, and is forward compatible, so it should work for years to come.

Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer

by 27 others
Highslide JS is a piece of JavaScript that streamlines the use of thumbnail images on web pages. The library offers these features and advantages: * No plugins like Flash or Java required. * Popup blockers are no problem. The images expand within the active browser window. * Single click. After expanding the image, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without restoring the image. * The approach uses two separate images. No heavy full-size image packed into thumbnail display size! The full-size image is loaded in the background either on page load or when the user clicks the thumb. You specify this option in the script's settings. * Compatibility and safe fallback. If the user has disabled JavaScript or the JavaScript fails in any way, the browser redirects directly to the image itself. This fallback is able to cope with most exceptions and incompatibilities.

Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer

by 10 others
Highslide JS is a piece of JavaScript that streamlines the use of thumbnail images on web pages. The library offers these features and advantages:

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS Gradient Shadow

by 2 others
This is a CSS and JavaScript technique that lets you add a shadow to most elements on your page with a customizable shadow depth and coloring. Just give the element in question a class name of "shadow" to activate the effect.


Utilisez le DOM et Javascript comme un chef | css4design <blog>Intégration xhtml et css :: webdesign :: ergonomie :: référencement </blog>

by 7 others (via)
Comment remplacer les gestionnaires d'événements présents dans nos pages web en redéfinissant le comportement onclick, onmouseover... des éléments XHTML ? Tout simplement en utilisant la magie du DOM et de Javascript.

Zimki - Welcome to zimki

Zimki is a JavaScript application development platform that enables you to produce web applications quickly, simply and with no upfront costs. Zimki takes away all the annoying chores about creating web applications. Things like setting up a server, checking security and enabling backups are all done for you meaning you can get on with what you enjoy: developing.