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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tag ubuntu

September 2008

XEN Cluster HowTo

I have tried to run both Debian Etch and Ubuntu 8.04 Server on the cluster nodes, in Dom0. I started my tests with Debian, but I had some issues with slow samba performance in one VM that I couldn't fix so I decided to try Ubuntu Server, for the first time. Both installation went OK, the main difference was that I used mainly source code in Debian, but only packages in Ubuntu. I actually ran into more problems with Ubuntu due to some early bugs in the 8.04 release, will describe them below as I go along. And I have still to prove that running this setup in Ubuntu is stable.

August 2008

July 2008

Howto Install VirtualBox 1.6 in Ubuntu 8.04(Hardy Heron) including USB Support -- Ubuntu Geek

VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Install Virtualbox 1.6 in Ubuntu

Installing Xen On An Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Server From The Ubuntu Repositories | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Xen on an Ubuntu Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04) server system (i386). You can find all the software used here in the Ubuntu repositories, so no external files (apart from a fixed Ubuntu Xen kernel to enable networking for the virtual machines) or compilation are needed.

June 2008

How To Set Up A Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster Based On Ubuntu 8.04 LTS | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This tutorial shows how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently.

May 2008

Nginx, Redmine et PostgreSQL - Un Electron Libre...

Cela a été testé sur une Ubuntu "Hardy 08.04" & Debian "Testing/Lenny". Les utilisateurs d'Ubuntu rajouteront un sudo aux endroits qui vont bien

April 2008

Petit Linux - Journal d'un apprenti linuxien sous Ubuntu - Installer Twhirl sur Ubuntu Hardy Heron

Télécharger le paquet AIR depuis le site d'Adobe Air ou bien en copiant cette commande dans un terminal (ouvert dans votre /home de préférence) : wget ... 033108.bin Rendre le fichier exécutable, puis le lancer, avec les deux commandes suivantes (taper Entrée après chaque ligne) : chmod x adobeair_linux_a1_033108.bin sudo ./adobeair_linux_a1_033108.bin

Ubuntu Tip: How to Open/View .docx files in OpenOffice -- Ubuntu Geek

by 2 others
As most company standard builds are now including Microsoft office 2007 you will start seeing more .docx documents. This has been covered time and time again but still people still ask the question. If you wish to open up a .docx document in OpenOffice you can do this two ways:

March 2008

Emesene Le Réseau WLM Sous Ubuntu

by 1 other
Emesene est un client de messagerie instantanée multi-plateforme pour le réseau Windows Live Messenger. Il est distribué librement sous la licence a «GNU General Public License» Il est bien intégré dans l'environnement Gnome, et il supporte les messages perso (option que j'adore) les plugins comme dans Pidgin et les smileys personnalisés.

FreeNX Server and Client Installation in Debian Etch -- Debian Admin

The Server is the computer you want to connect to. This is the computer where the FreeNX server will need to be installed. The name of the Ubuntu package providing the server is “freenx”. For the example used here, the home computer is the server. The Client is the computer from which you want to be able to access the Server. The name of the Ubuntu package providing the client is “nxclient”. For the example used here, the work computer is the client.

Remastersys - Cedynamix

by 1 other (via)
Basé sur le script mklivecd (Mandriva), la dernière version de Remastersys a été complètement réécrite pour des problèmes de compatibilité avec Ubiquity et Casper, ayant pour causes de nombreuses dépendances spécifiques à Mandriva. Cette dernière version offre une interface graphique qui permettra aux réfractaire de la ligne de commande de pouvoir bénéficier d'un outil que l'on pourra comparer aisément dans l'univers Windows à Norton Ghost de par son utilité. Remastersys est donc un outils qui permet créer et de partager une installation de Ubuntu (et de toutes ses versions dérivées) à partir de votre installation actuelle. * On peut faire un Backup du système comprenant toutes vos données personnelles sur un Cd/Dvd que vous pouvez utiliser n'importe où et que vous pouvez aussi installer ou réinstaller. * On peut créer une copie distribuable (LiveCd) que vous pouvez partager avec des amis. Elle ne contiendra aucune de vos données personnelles.

Liste de tutos pour Ubuntu | Spalistik

Certains sont utiles, d’autres plus futiles. Certains sont simples, d’autres rentrent dans des détails techniques plus poussés. Bref que vous soyez simple utilisateur ou power-user, voilà une liste de tutoriels pour Ubuntu à garder sous le coude.

Open-Source Classroom Management With iTALC On Ubuntu 7.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This document describes how to set up iTALC on Ubuntu 7.10. iTALC is an open-source classroom management solution that lets you view and control other computers in your network. It lets you remote-control other computers, show the teacher's screen on all students' computers, lock workstations, send text-messages to students, power on/off and reboot remote computers, etc.

Fix for suspend and hibernation problem for Laptops -- Ubuntu Geek

by 1 other
You might have noticed that the suspend and hibernation function in ubuntu/kubuntu won’t work. While there’s no official fix, you might find this work around helpful. Most people need hibernation for their laptops.step is to install a tool called «uswsusp»

Lighttpd Webserver setup with php5 and Mysql support -- Ubuntu Geek

by 1 other
Security, speed, compliance, and flexibility — all of these describe lighttpd (pron. lighty) which is rapidly redefining efficiency of a webserver; as it is designed and optimized for high performance environments. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, effective management of the cpu-load, and advanced feature set (FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) lighttpd is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems. And best of all it’s Open Source licensed under the revised BSD license.