public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from borsky with tag 004-MLABlogs



Elated Spaces

Chris Veleniks blog

A Tale of A Tribe: Sandpit.

Sandpit for steve fly's interpretation of the tale of the tribe..


Fly Agarics Google site


Selected Works by Bobby Campbell


One of Fly Agarics many joycean museyrooms


Bobby Campbell's excelsior site


"You have begun on a journey to see and hear the matter and anti-matter that comes from the minds of Fly and Chu. Together they are GODSTURBER (an anagram of Stourbridge, the town where they met)."


The 8-Circuit Brain Tribe

Exploring the theory and practice of The Eight-Circuit Brain model for intelligence increase as developed by Timothy Leary (Info-Psychology), Robert Anton Wilson (Prometheus Rising) and Antero Alli (Angel Tech).

10 Zen Monkeys

RU sirius webzine


NonProphet's blog, stopped in november 2006

Wholly Chao!

Mindeterminate/Minja/Mindy's Blog


Truth and Lies of Christianity Ages of Man Interpersonal Psycho-Spiritual Cosmogony Maps and Manuals of Consciousness The life of Jesus

Jeff Vail: Energy Intelligence

by 1 other
* Energy Intelligence Notes * Peak Oil Law Center * Geopolitics * Sustainability & Design * Hierarchy vs. Rhizome

The Kentroversy Papers

"Dissent IS patriotic, and as such, I am exercising my 1st amendment right of "free speech" in this "2nd American revolution" to save the U.S. Constitution."

Everyday Avatar

by Cap'n Marrrrk: The Warriors and Mystics are dying off. Who is to take their place in this world? Fiction Suits Relationships Emotions and Junk Healing Arts Creativity Magick Fool-ishness Rage Male Sexuality Walking the line between A Testosterone Supercharged "Man's Man" and New Age Wimp

The Brave New World Order

"Synchromysticism: The art of finding meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

Synchronicity Arkive

"This site takes its name from psychologist Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, of a resonance formed between two events unrelated in time and space. This non-local, non-linear connection defies rational explanation."

Acrillic Figa = Fly Agaric

One of the many large blogs from the mad wordmonger from Stourbridge. " Fly AGARIC 23 - Location: Amsterdam, Europe, NL - Swimmactivistic DJ, Drummer. Dishwasher. Born in Wordsley. Hover Mid Atlantic Europe. Music, writing are my love. "

borsky23's TAGS related to tag 004-MLABlogs

020-Blogs +   023-Maybe Logic +   070-Art +