public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bobpardue with tag christian


Mississippi Gospel - Groups and Singers

When booking groups to sing at gospel events in Mississippi, you might want to look in a directory to find just the right one.

Directory of Gospel Singing Groups in Louisiana

Here is a quick directory to browse if you are looking for gospel singing groups, vocalists or musicians in Louisiana. Christian listings all in one place.

Directory of Gospel Singing Groups in New Mexico

Here is a directory listing of gospel groups for your church event or service. Find booking information for singers, musicians and Christian music in contemporary and Southern gospel.

Sin and Getting Forgiven

Have you ever sinned? If you are human you have. Everyone has missed the mark in pleasing God at different times in their lives. This Scripture study is about Christians and how they are forgiven from sin.

Abundant Life or Eternal Soul?

Learn about what Jesus says. What good is your life if you lose your soul?

Life Lessons from Dr Coleman

Read life changing lessons from Dr. Coleman. Christian values and family living.

Jesus gives Great Commission

In this Bible study lesson Jesus gives the great commission.


Beatitudes of Christ

Read the beatitudes of Christ as He gave them on the famous Sermon on the Mount.


Peter Admits Jesus is the Messiah

In this unit of study Peter finally admits that Jesus is the Messiah and I hope you will find it intriguing.

Jesus Tells the Parable of the Mustard Seed

This passage tells the story of how a mustard seed starts very small and then becomes the largest of the garden vegetables. I hope you will gain knowledge here.

Jesus Describes His True Family

This passage explains the family of God and how Jesus tells his followers about his brothers and sisters. I hope it will help to clarify the Christian lifestyle.

Jesus Talks about Those Who Build Houses on Rock and Sand

This article is not about building houses but is more about how we live our lives. I hope it will help you to build on rock instead of sand as Jesus teaches.

Jesus Teaches about Worry

In this passage Jesus teaches us that worry is normally futile and will not add one bit of happiness to our lives. I hope you will find this useful the next time you find yourself in a time of difficulty.


The Beattitudes

5:1 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them saying:

Benjamin is set up with a Silver Cup

Now Joseph gave these instructions to the steward of his house: "Fill the men's sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack. 2 Then put my cup, the silver one, in the mouth of the youngest one's sack, along with the silver for his grain." And he did as Joseph said.