public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bobpardue with tag Lesson

December 2010

Bible Study Lesson about the Seed Parable

We grow in the spiritual arena simalar to seeds which are planted. This Bible study lesson from the Book of Mark explains how.

November 2010

Coining the Phrase Tough Times Never Last

Let's add, with God. Here is an inspirational message so that we give thanks, even when times are tough as they are now.

How to Ask God

This Bible study lesson from Genesis is about Sarah, Abraham and worry. An answer for how to ask God for the impossible.

September 2010

On Becoming Rich and Satisfied

Take it from King Solomon. He had it all - riches, women, a kingdom with power and on and on but, did all this make him happy? Here are some tips on having money and being satisfied with your life.

August 2010

Learn a Life Lesson from the 23rd Psalm

The 23rd Psalm of David is well-known by many but here is a life lesson we can take from these Bible verses.

May 2010

Bible Study Lesson from Mark about Wrong Teachings

Here, Jesus explains why the people need to be careful about who they listen to, and why. Read the complete Bible study lesson from Mark to use in daily application.

John Baptizes Jesus

Why did Jesus need to be baptized by John. Find some possible answers in Scripture here.

April 2010

Learn Successful Beginner Website Design

This is for beginners in website design. In order to be successful, there are basics of creating web site pages you should know. Here are a few tips to get started.

Joseph's Brothers Kneel Before Him

Just as he dreamed when he was younger, Joseph's brothers kneel before him in this Bible passage from Genesis.

Abraham is Willing to Sacrifice His Son

Issac is taken to the alter by Abraham in this saga from Genesis. See the study lesson and how you can apply it to your life today.

Jesus gives Great Commission

In this Bible study lesson Jesus gives the great commission.

Training Singing Voice for the High Notes

Every vocalist knows that training singing voice will help improve quality and give more ease to producing high notes. Or, do they? Here are some tips to get you started improving your singing talent.

Continuing Saga of Esau and Jacob in Genesis

This time the two brothers plan to meet again. Jacob and Esau is just one of the stories for life study lessons from Genesis.

December 2009

Should a Beginner Use Software or HTML to Create a Website?

Well, this is not a simple answer but the tutorial will take you through steps in building a website for the beginner. The time you have will determine whether you'll use software or learn basic HTML to create your pages.