public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bobpardue

December 2006

Color and Cosmetics

When most people think of cosmetics, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to cosmetics than just the basics.

Singing Lessons - What You Can Expect

This report tells about what to expect when you take on singing lessons and I hope it will give you some insight.

Brain Picking that Christmas Gift for a Male

It's that time of year again and now you are looking for a Christmas gift for a male this season. This article will help.

History of the Internet

This report shows a brief history of the Internet and I hope you will find it educational and useful.

November 2006

Graphics - How and Where?

The following article covers a topic which has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you have been thinking you need to know more about finding graphics online, here is your opportunity.

Vocal Exercises to Improve Your Singing Voice

It's time to take the plunge and call a reputable Singing Teacher if you have the urge to improve your voice or you have that dream to become performer on stage or television.

Benjamin is set up with a Silver Cup

Now Joseph gave these instructions to the steward of his house: "Fill the men's sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack. 2 Then put my cup, the silver one, in the mouth of the youngest one's sack, along with the silver for his grain." And he did as Joseph said.

Composite Cards - The Starter Kit for Photography Models

What are comp cards? In a nutshell, comp cards (short for composite cards) are a form of advertisement and promotion for fashion, glamour and other types of models. They come in many different shapes, layout styles and sizes giving models the benefit of being creative when choosing how their promotional piece will look.

A Romantic Restaurant to get You Started

This article tells how you can use romantic restaurants to enhance your love life. Please be advised that this link is to a boudoir photography website so some nudity may be presented.

October 2006

Get out of Debt

Interesting information to help you manange finances and start on a road to get out of debt.

August 2006

Is Karaoke Singing Just for the Drunks in Bars?

Karaoke singing has become popular entertainment for those out on the town brave enough to lose their inhibitions for a few minutes other than on the dance floor.

July 2006

Discover where to go on Vacation in Central American

All about travel to Central America including sights, must do's, and tips to prepare you for your Central America vacation or holiday.