November 2006
October 2006
Colorcombos–网站配色探测工具 at WappBlog
September 2006
ColorJack Studio (beta)
by 21 othersColorjack是一款在线配色工具,基于AJAX技术创建。你可以随意添加调色面板,改变面板上的颜色,并且相应的色值会显示在左边的色值框中。另外,还提供了很多配色方案可供选择。
August 2006
Color Schemer | Instant color schemes for your Mac with Color Schemer Studio OSX
by 2 othersColor Schemer | Instant color schemes for your Mac with Color Schemer Studio OSX
color combos
by 44 others"This site was built to help web developers quickly select and test color combinations. The heart of the site is the Combo Tester, which allows web developers to see how different color combinations work together on the screen. If you are looking for Color Combination ideas, check out the Combo Library."
(22 marks)