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PUBLIC MARKS from bloggingmiracle with tags "online marketing" & jv

05 June 2008

10 Killer Ways To Sell Your Back-End Products

A back-end product is a product you attempt to sell your customers after they have recently purchased a related product from your business.

26 April 2008

Affordable PPC Search Engine Advertising

PPC search engine advertising is by far the most affordable form of advertising available. PPC search engine advertising is a flourishing business that by 2008 is expected to reach $ 8 billion. PPC search engine advertising is about producing leads. Cr...

20 April 2008

The Secret Behind Traffic Generation

I have gone through a lot of courses on online business and traffic generation models, and still found myself failing miserably at it repeatedly! I simply couldn't see myself making those "golden figures" that all the internet business "gurus" seemed t...

11 April 2008

Quality Online Marketing Courses? Accelerate Your Web Success

Do you want to quit your job and have your own home based Internet marketing business? It's a dream many want to see happen. It can be real if you want it bad enough. If this is true for you, then you need to start off right by getting one of the many ...

Traffic: Making Or Breaking Your Site

One thing that constantly bugs me about many of the products that get released is that they don't tell you how to bring traffic to your site. You get a large e-book that tells you how to build an amazing site but not one chapter on traffic generation