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PUBLIC MARKS from bloggingmiracle with tag health

May 2009

Oxy-Powder Colon Cleanse

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Oxy-Powder Colon Cleanse A Toxic Colon can put your health at risk. Oxy-Powder® can help restore it! It's a fact, an unhealthy digestive system impacted with mucus, toxins, and impacted waste can trigger a host of health issues such as: Body Odor Poo...

Health Plus - Super Colon Cleanse, 240 capsules

by 4 others
Health Plus - Super Colon Cleanse, 240 capsules Easy to Swallow capsules containing 1 gram of psyllium husk powder and 576mg of senna powder per serving. Also contains fennel seed, peppermint, cascara segrada, acidophilus, and more. Health and Beauty:...

Tips And Advice About Fitness Exercises | Types Of Fitness T

Types Of Fitness Training Types Of Fitness Training Home Archives December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 Meta Entries (RSS) Comments (RSS) WordPress Login Categories Career Fitness Training Exercise Fitness Instructor Training Fitness Training Personal Fitness Training Personal Training Fitness Recreation Soccer Training Sports Types Of Fitness Training Links Recent Articles Help

April 2009

Natural Stress Relief

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Lots of people suffer from anxiety and stress. After all, today's world is more fast-paced than at any other time in our history. And there are some powerful prescription drugs on the market that can relieve a person's anxiety but those drugs come with...

Change and Manage Stress

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Difficult times have incessantly been a factor in stress management and being competent to deal with the strain that comes with these alterations in our life. Change, in whatever form, can be dealth with in one of two fashions - either it is received o...

February 2009

Stress Is America's Number 1 Health Problem

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Stress has been in the news as a health epidemic since the early eighties and this situation continues to worsen as an increasing number of workers say that they are suffering increasing stress in the workplace. Indeed work is now the leading environme...

January 2009

How To Brighten Eyes

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How To Brighten Eyes There is often nothing you can do about the color of the whites in your eyes. Eating well can lead to a whiter white, but the difference many not be all that noticeable. That does not mean you have to give up on having the youthf...

Stress and Health Management

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When coping with stress, many people only focus on what is causing their stress and attempt to fix this problem without making any changes to anything else in their lives. What they fail to realize is that stress and health management are tied together and if you are not living a healthy life, your stress levels will increase dramatically. First Steps in Stress and Health Management The first step in managing your health and stress should be to track everything going on in your life so you have a realistic picture of what is causing your stress and health management issues. Go to an office supply store and get a black scientific journal. For the first week do not try to make any changes in what you do day to day. Write down everything that stress you out and at what times you get stressed. Also, write down what you are eating and any exercise that you may do throughout the week. Once the first week is complete you should have a very valuable and realistic look at what your weekly activities look like and can begin working on your stress and health management. The first thing to look for is what you are eating and doing on days you feel stressed. Did you skip breakfast only to get overwhelmed before lunch? On days you work out do you notice that your stress levels the next day are lower? This helpful documentation will make stress and health management far easier. Most people after performing this exercise will look at everything going on in their lives and try to fix everything all at once. This is absolutely the wrong thing to do as radical change will cause more undesirable stress. The key to stress and health management is small incremental changes that effect your well being for good. If you notice days that you do not eat breakfast you do become more stressed, for the first week try to make sure you eat something every morning and see how that affects your stress levels. Breakfast does not have to be something complicated, a simple piece of fruit or bowl of cereal should be all you need. Once you see a positive affect from the change you make, try to change something else. Slowly you will notice that your everyday life gets better and better with each small change and you will be well on your way to successful stress and health management. Eminence DELTA-15LFA Post from: Physical Symptoms of Stress

Feel Stressed? Home Remedies Work Faster Than Rx

by 3 others
Kids screaming,boss on you back and traffic jam! Just what I need.

November 2008

Finding The Best Advanced Eye Care Information

Although the benefits of undergoing LASIK eye surgery are tremendous and life changing, the recovery process can be trying. The fact is that LASIK eye surgery requires a recovery period just like any other surgery, but the effects you’re recove...

October 2008

Will Acupuncture To Stop Smoking Work For You?

There are many benefits of acupuncture and you may benefit too when you visit a licensed acupuncturist. Today, you can find many well trained providers of acupuncture who will walk you through the process so that you fully understand what is happening....

July 2008

Prescription Drug Abuse and what to do about it

The misuse and abuse of prescription drugs is epidemic in our community, most commonly amongst adolescent folk who have very little idea of what they are consuming! They use 'uppers' to pick themslves up, and 'depressants' to settle themselves back dow...

June 2008

Tried And Tested Methods Of Breast Enhancment

If you are a woman that has always desired larger, fuller, and less sagging breasts, but you are rightfully fearful of any type of invasive surgical procedures, there are now a number of healthier productive alternatives to choose from. Finally, the wh...

Where To Find Cosmetics Resources Online

Many women salivate when they enter the cosmetics section of a department store. Makeup is one of those things that women have been taught, since infancy almost, that they need to apply it in order to be beautiful. Everything from home shopping channel...

How To Deal With Stress

Too much stress can really take its toll on your health. Living your life with chronic stress can lead to heart disease, depression, diabetes and other maladies.

Manhattan Facelift: Answers To Facelift Queries For Manhattan Residents

For a list of frequently asked questions about cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in Manhattan, facelift policies and more, keep reading. What is the purpose of a facelift? A facelift is a specific procedure developed to target the areas around the ...

Panic Attack Self Help and How You Can Benefit From Them | D

People suffering from anxiety disorders should know some basic panic attack self help techniques in order to properly cope up with their condition. While it is highly recommended to seek medical help and take medications, knowing how to help yourself when panic strikes you is still very important.

Travel Air Purifier Is Becoming An Essential Item For Travellers

A travel air purifier can range from the very strange and seemingly useless to the very practical and useful. A travel air purifier is like anything else that you buy for convenience, you get what you pay for and a good travel air purifier can be a lit...

Air Purifiers : Key Facts About Home Air Purifiers

If you are in the market for a home air purifier you should make sure that you understand why you are getting one in the first place. A home air purifier can help you breathe better, have fewer allergies, and even help with sleeping at night. This arti...

Allergy medicine: The Itchy Truth

Having an allergic reaction is never fun. You might find yourself sneezing, coughing, weeping, or maybe even swelling up. Some do experience migraines because of their allergies while others can even go into shock.

May 2008

How To Put In Contact Lenses Effortlessly | Health Fitness H

Many people have vision problems and to correct this you have to use glasses. Otherwise a lense is required to be placed in front of the eye. The lens goes on

What does the world think about laser spine surgery?

Laser spine surgery world opinion varies man to man, person to person as their health conditions and treatments are different. Many people relieved from the curse of different sorts of problems with help of laser spine surgery.

Anxiety Cure Is There One?

Anxiety Cure Is There One? Does an anxiety cure exist for people suffering from panic attacks? A single cure couldnt possibly exist because there are many causes for anxiety attacks. They can be traumas, phobias, substance abuse, or simply a wrong at...

Is the South Beach Diet Really Safe?

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"How safe is the South Beach Diet?" is a question regularly asked amongst those who want to shed some of those surplus pounds. People are naturally skeptical due to the fact that in the past so many crash diets have resulted in a rapid weight loss and...

Easy Strawberry Smoothie Recipes

Most people love strawberry smoothies. Why is that? Strawberries are a scrumptious fruit, and they are hard to resist!