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24 February 2010 10:15

Fruit And Vegetable Diet To Cleanse The Colon

by 1 other
There are so many different toxins and chemicals in the air that we breathe every day, it is impossible for our bodies to filter 100% of them. As a consequence they accumulate in our cells, especially fat cells, blood, tissues, and organs. The colon, brain, and liver are all extremely susceptible to being invaded by these toxins over the years. Over time the collection and storage of these toxins causes all sorts of health problems Health Problems IBS, bloating stomach, constipation, severe gas, weight gain, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, stomach pain, diverticulitis, hair problems, and skin problems all can be associated with a jammed up colon. How Often to Detoxify Detoxifying will help the body restore to its natural balance and give it renewed energy and vitality. There are many different ways that you can cleanse and detoxify your body on a daily bases. One of these ways is by using a diet of fruit and vegetables to cleanse the colon, making sure the fruit and vegetables are uncooked and have been grown naturally. Eat them whole or puree them into juice; either way they act to purify your body. Another way to cleanse the colon, besides fruit and vegetable diet, is with a daily exercise program. Sweating helps release toxins and keeps our ph level in check. In addition, when we dramatically increase our heart rates through aerobic exercise, endorphins are released in our bodies that give us a feeling of happiness and joy. Also any pressure and stress that is built up in our bodies, exits in a rush. Why Use Fruits and Vegetables When you use a regular diet of fruit and vegetables to cleanse your colon you are also meeting your caloric requirements with healthy food, rather than with fat, sugar, and low-nutrient foods. This routine will directly protect you from heart disease and gaining weight thus extending your life. Parasites Every living thing has at least one parasite living in it or on it. Scientists are just beginning to realize the possibility that parasites within our body have the ability to upset and alter our internal chemical balance. Parasites have killed more people than all the car wrecks and wars put together. The combination of these parasites, mixed with an unhealthy diet and environmental toxins pose a grave danger to human race. By using a fruit and vegetable diet to cleanse the colon on a daily bases, this grave danger can be greatly reduced. Good luck using a daily diet of fruits and vegetables to cleanse your colon. Fruit And Vegetable Diet To Cleanse Colon Post from: Colon Cleansing Diets Fruit And Vegetable Diet To Cleanse The Colon