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PUBLIC MARKS from bloggingmiracle with tag "colon cancer"

23 September 2009

Colon Cleanse: Advantages Of Colon Cleanse Therapy

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Before we set out to understand the benefits that Colon Cleanse therapy offers, we should first know what it stands for. Colon Cleanse therapy means a treatment undertaken to cleanse Colon (the section of the large intestine that runs from the cecum...

15 September 2009

What Puts you at Risk of Developing Colon Cancer?

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There are several known factors that increase the risk of a person developing colon cancer. These factors can be split into two categories: the ones that you can have control over and the second category those that you have no control over.What you ...

13 September 2009

A Guide to Natural Colon Cleansing

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A Guide To Natural Colon CleansingColon cancer is the most prevalent cancer found in both men and women, and each year is increasing in number of diagnosed cases through out the world.Modern medicine recognizes that our diets are having a lot to do ...

10 September 2009

Colon Cleanse - The Right Time For Colon Cleansing

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In a perfect world, colon cleansing not only cleans the colon but the entire body as well. In truth, this might actually be true as the colon is a major component of the human body.The colon is part of the human body’s digestive system. The pu...

31 August 2009

Colon Cleanse Best Reviews

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Most of the people have practised to consume fast foods and some other food items that are not suited for their health and these results in various health issues. This becomes vital for people to undergo internal cleansing or detoxification to maint...

30 August 2009

The Amazing Benefits of a Colon Cleanse

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There are many benefits of a colon cleanse. People go for a colon cleanse for many reasons. Let’s talk about what you can benefit from a colon cleanse.First, the benefits of a colon cleanse include organ health. We’re talking about sever...

21 August 2009

Don't Consider A Home Colon Cleanse Without Knowing These 3 Facts

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One of my personal training clients was considering a home colon cleanse, and she approached me with some questions. Years ago, she had a colon irrigation which was expensive and quite invasive. I explained to her the many exciting benefits of colon...

Medical Benefits of Colon Cleansing

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Medical Benefits of Colon CleansingA healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes colon cleansing a must.  Everything we eat winds up in our bowels as toxins.  And as these toxins build up, one can find themselves with diseases or disord...

20 August 2009

How Healthy is your Cat's Colon?

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When it comes to colon health, cat digestive systems are quite similar to those of humans. Just as with humans, cats can suffer from a number of digestive disorders. In fact, constipation is relatively common in felines. Therefore, as a pet owner, i...

19 August 2009

Colon Cancer and Polyps

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There is a very tight bond between polyps and colon cancer. That is to say that, although polyps are almost always benign, if they do turn out to be malign then you develop colon cancer.Polyps can be found in other parts of the body, besides the col...

08 August 2009

The Main Types of Colon Cancer

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Colon cancer is one the most prevalent forms of cancer among the American population. Although inappropriate diet and unhealthy lifestyle considerably increase the risks of developing colon cancer, many forms of the disease occur on the premises of un...

01 August 2009

A Natural Colon Cleanse Will Assist With Weight Loss

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Have you ever struggled with weight loss? It seems like there are two kinds of people in the world–those who don’t even have to worry about weight loss and those who struggle just to shed a few pounds. There is an endless variety of diets ...

29 July 2009

How to Reach Colon Health Through Colon Cleansing

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Colon cleansing is becoming increasingly popular these days. Why Colon Cleansing Is So Important? Colon cleansing is very important because it is the sewage system of our body. Do you really need to cleanse your colon?Like anything else, it is all abo...

28 July 2009

Colon Cleanse - the Truth About Colon Cleansing and Detoxification

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Colon cleansing can be described as the combined mechanisms of removing all waste materials from the walls and inside space of the colon while colon detoxification can be said to be the removal of toxins, including non beneficial micro organisms from ...

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