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PUBLIC MARKS from bloggingmiracle with tag anxiety

March 2010

Tackle Acute Anxiety Disorders Effectively

by 3 others
There’s nothing so paralyzing as acute worry disorder. The proof of hysteria defects change, but they can include feelings of disorientation, physical pain, blinding panic, unreality, paranoia, and intense fear. Regularly the symptoms are emoti...

Anti Anxiety Medication Can Provide Only Short-Term Treatment

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There are various forms of anti anxiety medication given that drugs are usually the first to use when suffering from an intense and unpredicted anxiety attack. However, tranquilizers don’t offer relief from the health problem plus they have the d...


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Depression Test Sometimes it can be difficult distinguishing between the normal emotional ups and downs that people experience as part of life and depression. But when you begin to suspect that you should feel much better than you do about yourself a...

November 2009

Great Stress Relievers | Natural Remedies For Stress

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Natural Remedies For Stress Natural Remedies For Stress Stress Statistics Stress Relief Toys Great Stress Relievers Stress, a biopsychosocial reaction to changing environment, is an integral part of our lives. We experience stress every day. Although a certain amount of stress is needed for our survival, when there is too much of it, we cannot stand it any longer. This is why we n

August 2009

Beating Social Anxiety Disorder - What You Need to Know

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Socializing with people could be a very easy task to almost everyone but not to those who have social phobia or anxiety.  They have an excessive fear on everyday social situations to the point that some sufferers avoid people. Beating social anxiety d...

Anxiety Attacks - Knowledge is the Best Tool When Confronting Your Panic Attacks!

by 3 others
Most people are bewildered and terrified by their panic attacks. First time sufferers and even long term sufferers have trouble understanding and coping with the physical and mental drain that accompanies these episodes. Many people spend years worryin...

Why Choose a Natural Anti Anxiety Medicine?

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Excessive anxiety is a part of everyday life for many individuals. There are some things people have no control over. Not all anxiety is brought on by the way we think. Sometimes, life just throws more at us than we can handle. Eventually, all of the b...

Stress Management Training

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Stress Management Training and How it Can Help Stress is normal in your life but if you ever notice that you are starting to have so much stress that it is getting out of control and you don’t know what to do, then you should know that you are goin...

Anxiety Medication Doctors Do Not Recommend

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Before an anxiety patient even walks through a therapist’s office door, the therapist has a list of anti anxiety medications ready to help the patient out. Even though there is a number of medications a person can be prescribed, it is recommende...

Severe Anxiety: Slowing Down Racing Thoughts

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Part of the terror of anxiety is the force and power of the racing thoughts that accompany it. Adrenaline reaches a fever pitch, sending the body into pure fight or flight mode. Two things are essential at this point: to slow down, and to focus on some...

July 2009

Why People get Panic and Anxiety Attacks

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The reason people have panic attacks and anxiety disorders are related to the functioning of the brain. A person can be diagnosed with three types of panic attacks. These are specific panic attacks, spontaneous panic attacks and situational predisposed...

The Unsung And Proven Natural Medicine For Anxiety

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I have several friends who are on anti-depressants and I have noticed that they seem to be living in a shadowy place and are only half present, if you see what I mean. One of my friends who suffers from acute anxiety said that she felt that the meds sh...

How to Cure Anxiety One Day at a Time

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If you’re suffering from anxiety, it’s more than likely there are times you feel overwhelmed with the task of overcoming it completely.  It’s a normal feeling to have.  After all, anxiety is a recurring problem.  It pops up every now and again...

Managing Fear And Anxiety

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HOW TO MANAGE ANXIETY, CONTROL FEAR, OVERCOME FRIGHT, PANIC, WORRY (Based on author’s site Fear, anxiety are controllable. Panic, worry, fright can be rid of. Knowing what are, how work, fear, anxiety, helps solve problems,...

June 2009

Panic relief! - Find out How to Relax and relieve Anxiety!

by 4 others
Imagery: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Think of a place where you would feel very comfortable and safe, such as lying on a beach, in a field, or in a forest. Whatever image you like is fine. Concentrate on this place and pay atten...

How to Deal With Anxiety Attacks Effectively

by 4 others
Anxiety is part and parcel of like. We get nervous when we are about to give a presentation on stage and we worry and fret over a particularly tough examination. In the process, we learn how to deal with anxiety. More importantly, this anxious feeling ...

April 2009

Change and Manage Stress

by 1 other
Difficult times have incessantly been a factor in stress management and being competent to deal with the strain that comes with these alterations in our life. Change, in whatever form, can be dealth with in one of two fashions - either it is received o...

6 Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder To Be On The Lookout For

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If you think that you might suffer from social anxiety disorder then there are some symptoms that you might want to keep an eye open for. If you are able to recognize these symptoms of social anxiety disorder with any degree of consistency this may be ...

March 2009

Anxiety and Panic Attack

Anxiety and panic attacks affect many Americans today, and for some, the symptoms are severe enough to get in the way of daily activities and affect the overall quality of life. Anxiety begins as a normal and healthy response to dangerous situations in life, and is described by health care professionals as the "flight or fight" response to emergencies. However, when anxiety becomes an issue at other times of life, it can sap you of energy and keep you from enjoying activities and events in your life. Panic attacks are a form of anxiety, and are characterized by numerous symptoms that can hit out of the blue with no apparent rhyme or reason. Symptoms like flushed skin, sweating and shaking can be an embarrassing problem when they occur in public. Other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, a pounding heart and chest pains can make you feel as though you are going to have a heart attack or even die. These attacks are generally not serious from a physical standpoint but can be quite debilitating from a mental and emotional one. That is why it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms, find the best treatment options and learn other coping mechanisms for anxiety and panic attacks that will allow you to enjoy a higher quality of life despite your condition. Treatment of Anxiety and Panic Attacks Your doctor is the best source for treatment options for anxiety and panic attacks. Usually, the best course of action is a combination of medications and counseling. This treatment program will need to be administered over the long term, since it does not cure the condition. However, it can effectively control the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks so that you can return to a relatively normal lifestyle. There are also coping mechanisms that you can use at home to help you regain control over your condition and your mental state. Learning to control your worry is an effective way of managing anxiety and panic attacks. Choose a single time and place to dwell on your anxieties and worries during the day, and try to limit the time frame to approximately 30 minutes. Once your time is up, try to let go of your anxiety and get on with your day. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and stretching exercises can also help you to keep your anxious thoughts in check. Exercise, a healthy diet and avoidance of substances like caffeine and alcohol can also be ways to cope with anxiety and panic attacks. With the proper methods and help from your doctor, your anxiety and panic attacks can become a much smaller problem and you will be able to move on with the rest of your life. Post from: Main Causes Of Stress Anxiety and Panic Attack

December 2008

Information for Coping with Anxiety

A lot of populaces all over the world are suffered from anxiety for various reasons. Health problem as well as bad lifestyle could trigger the attack of anxiety. The pressures of burdened life could also be the cause for this sort of disorder. The foll...

November 2008

A Sufferer's Guide To Stress And Anxiety

An Anxiety Problem may manifiest itself differently in different people. There is a wide range of anxiety symptoms that may present as mild feelings of uneasiness or as intense as extreme fear. In some cases, a little amount of anxiety is good and ...

October 2008

There are various types of depression, from Manic or Bipolar depression

Depression Still, there are various types of depression, from Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one’s mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or w...

September 2008

Where Can You Finally Find Relief From Depression?

by 2 others
There are more causes of depression than most people think. Aside from the standard ones that everyone is aware of like hormone deficiencies, a diet heavy in omega-3 acids, seasonal changes in sunlight or ups and downs of bipolar disorder there are man...

August 2008

Breathing Techniques in Panic and Anxiety Attacks

There are several techniques and methods of dealing with panic attack and anxiety disorders, but breathing may the most overlooked method. As we all know, anxiety and panic attacks can be very scary experiences. The person suffering from panic attacks ...

July 2008

Deep Abdominal Breathing For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Probably the most distressing symptom that one will experience during a panic attack is the terrible feeling of being unable to breathe. Sometimes the chest become so tight that breathing feels almost impossible. Then there are the times where breathin...