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PUBLIC MARKS from bloggingmiracle with tag Outdoors

April 2010

Big Game Fishing: 400 pound fish KO man

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Funny Big Game fishing clip. Man catches huge Goliath Grouper and gets uppercut by its tail.

March 2010

RC Helicopter FISHING! Dave tries hand at "Heli Fishing"

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For you skeptics who say the fish was dead, I assure you it wasn't dead. That said, I still risked my E-Flite Blade 400 for some entertainment for you (I used 3 batteries, hence the cut) as fun and challenging for me. I doubt most others wo...

February 2010

First Class Fishing-Alaska Fishing Trips

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Just imagine catching some of the most amazing fish in one of the most beautiful places in the country. That is exactly what you get when taking Alaska fishing trips. Many people overlook all the opportunities that Alaska has to offer, which is a rea...

January 2010

Bass Fishing Florida

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The majority of anglers agree that bass fishing in the Everglades is a singular and enthralling experience. Many people visit this unique environment expecting the stereotypical swamplands of old black and white pictures ; what they find is one of the...

December 2009

Activities Involved] at Overnight Camps

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Summer holidays are much awaited for by children mainly because that is when the summer camps come into focus. Parents who are sometimes reluctant to send their children off to other places are very much delighted and enthusiastic in sending them off t...

The Novice UK Fisherman Choosing the Correct Fishing Equipment

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Before setting off on an pleasant and but difficult sport such as fishing, you have to have some fundamental fishing equipment. Although successful fishing is reliant upon knowledge, impulse, and completion, the tackle that used by the angler can also ...

November 2009

Hunting Equipment in the UK: Finding the Best Outfit

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Hunting Equipment There's nothing worse than getting out into the field and remembering you neglected to bring a critical piece of hunting equipment. Bringing the appropriate hunting gear could help out a great deal. Watch more closely to establish wha...

Rapala Shallow Shad Rap 07 Fishing Lures

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Balsa wood construction under incredible finishes make this the lure big fish find irresistible. Built tough with hard-diving lips and sharp treble hooks, these legendary lures have the power to survive even the toughest fights. The Shallow Shad R...

Flambeau Outdoors 2025 Streamside Fly Box

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Streamside Fly Box - Model #2025 - Clear, classy look. … Click Here For Big Discounts On Flambeau Outdoors 2025 Streamside Fly Box at Amazon

Flambeau Outdoors 4005ST Tackle Station Soft Side Bag

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Tackle Station - Model #4005ST - Updated styling includes removable sunglass case and molded front panel. … Click Here For Big Discounts On Flambeau Outdoors 4005ST Tackle Station Soft Side Bag at Amazon

Rapala Jointed Shad Rap 04 Fishing Lures

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This plastic version of the legendary Shad Rap is more than just a wounded minnow. The rhythmic rattles send out the “distressed minnow” signal loud and clear for all to hear. Seasoned anglers know that sometimes it takes a slight exag...

September 2009

If You Intend Going Hiking Read This First Of All

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Many folks find hiking a great outdoor pastime. It is a great way to enjoy the scenery and keep fit at the same time. Here are a few tips to ensure your cross country adventures go as planned. Have at lest one companion with you at all times, never...

Catfish and Predator Fishing Tackle in the UK: Some Suggestions for Anglers

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Fishing Tackle Fishing for catfish and other large predator fish has a loyal following in the UK. In this piece, we will give you a general idea of what you need as far as fishing tackle if attempting to seek after this sly fish. Places to Locate Catf...

Sea Fishing Tackle Basics for UK Anglers

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Sea Fishing Tackle If you're interested in trying your luck at sea fishing in the UK, then, you will be required to obtain certain unique sea fishing tackle. This is a bit of fundamental knowledge regarding the sort of fishing gear required to get star...

Your Guide into Camping

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Everybody likes get-together so everybody loves hiking! Here are the tips about how to organize aware camping? How to make everybody happy while camping? How to make amuses and entertains for everybody while camping? How to meet the demands of you gran...

Why I Read Walleye Insider Magazine

The walleye insider magazine is distributed at least six times a year. The publisher of the magazine has been known in the industry for over thirty years. Then also endorse the Evening Secret for catching walleye. ( ) Inside each copy of the walleye insider magazine it is packed full of information about walleye and other fishing tips for fishing anglers. The magazine can be purchased in many places, and especially in sporting goods stores. Fishing is one of the most popular "sports" for individuals. There are those people who fish because they like the taste of the walleye, and yet there are also those people that have been active and successful in tournaments as well. In some issues, individuals are often highlighted in the walleye insider magazine too. The magazine also gives its readers information about future tournaments and seasonal walleye fishing events in many different places. The magazine can be viewed via the Internet too. There are parts of the well-known magazine that are now available on the web site via the Internet. The overall cover price for the walleye insider magazine has been able to remain close to the same pricing range throughout several years, with only pennies in additional increase per copy. Other sporting magazines have increased in prices considerably when compared to the walleye insider. You'll never know what you will read about in the magazine. Some copies discuss the different fishing equipment for walleye that have been newly introduced on the market, yet other articles might refer to what tackle is useful in catching the walleye. The walleye insider magazine did consider having an issue that was published once a month, but unfortunately with so many sporting magazines the publisher decided to only go with once every other month. However, the magazine that is published at least six times a year is amazing and full of enjoyable reading and facts about walleye and fishing. In some former copies of the walleye insider magazine, people would give his or her own advice and opinions on the tips of walleye fishing. While still others would tell about how some tip or article from the magazine itself helped them in an event or decision, such as a product to buy for walleye fishing. Many sports magazines do speak about fishing in general, but the walleye insider magazine really goes into greater detail about the walleye. And, other issues of the magazine describe other fish such as trout, bass, or crawfish. And if you ask any real fisherman if this mattered, the answer of course would be yes, because fishing for different types of fish requires different techniques, tackle, and other information too. Tagging certain walleye in an overview to watch the walleye and see how they develop and grow is something else the walleye insider magazine does too. There are many things that the magazine is associated with that help the environment. Although people who subscribe to the walleye insider magazine are going to see advertisements for brand named boats, motors, lures, and other equipment, this also keeps the readers and fish anglers informed of new technology and other merchandise or products. Post from: Hunting Fishing Why I Read Walleye Insider Magazine Share This

Find Useful Tips about Camping

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If you like the get-together and resting in the off-hand manner we are sure you will like camping and hiking by all means! Forget about your registration apartments and let you go for a rest through the camping or hiking! Take every friend and whole fa...

Camping - The Tips You Should Know About

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The camping mistakes and unfamiliar things. How to prove the condition of the camping and what should you do if there are some mistakes about camping? What should you bring for the camping? What food, drink and equipment? You will not ask you these qu...

August 2009

Need Materials About camping tent - Check this Publication

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When an ordinary modern urbanized person wants to get a pant of fresh and non-polluted air, a perfect idea comes to his or her mind. The person imagines plenty of various big green trees, bright summer flowers, unspoilt blue sky and may be even a river...

June 2009

Buying Bow Hunting Equipment

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If you intend to develop better expertise in bow hunting, you should first secure the right equipment for the sport. Whether looking for bows or arrows, finding the right options is very important. Prior to shopping for Bow Hunting Equipment, you nee...

April 2009

Incorporate the Outdoors into Your Thanksgiving Celebration

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Most people's Thanksgiving traditions don't go much further than sitting on the couch for some television, a gigantic meal which may or may not include some of Aunt Maude's mysterious pink marshmallow casserole, and some pumpkin pie. Spice things up a ...

Earth Day means More

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America celebrated the first Earth Day On April 22, 1970. It was a need celebration to bring to light how polutio was killing this world. Today, Earth Day is no longer celebrated nationally but is celebrated around the globe.

January 2009

Factors To Weigh To Choose The Most Useful Tent For Camping

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When you go camping, if there is one thing among all your other camping equipment that is essential to a perfect camping trip, it is certainly your tent. The choices for picking out a tent may seem endless, so to choose the right one for you, below are a few recommendations. From considering the size of the tent to its material, these tips will help you narrow down which tent will be most suited for your trip. Who Will be Joining You? First, you need to consider how many people will be staying in the tent. If you are traveling by yourself, then a single person tent should be fine for your needs. However if you travel with your entire family, you may need a tent that has sufficient capacity for many additional people to sleep, and even some "rooms" in which to hang out. After all, once you've driven to a park and set up camp, it's not like you can simply jump into an RV if you later determine you haven't sufficiently prepared for the number in your party. All tents should clearly state how many people can fit comfortably in them to help you avoid the packed-in-like-sardines syndrome. Seasonality Matters Second, look at where and when you plan to go camping. Depending on the season, you may actually need a different type of tent. There are many tents designed for at least three seasons, and some that are specifically geared toward only one. Consider also whether you will be carrying this tent in a backpack or hiking with it. That issue alone may change your preference for the size or weight of your tent. Consider Your Expenses Third, factor in your overall budget. Tents can be very pricey once you start to get into the larger sized options. If you need to remain within a smaller budget, avoid the temptation to look at huge tents that have added rooms, such as screened in sections and skylights. They may make you drool, but if you don't have the funds, avert your eyes. Pup tents are the most budget friendly, but are of course very small. There are tents, fortunately, that compromise somewhere between the bare minimum and luxury. Don't Get Weighed Down Finally, as mentioned earlier, consider the weight of the tent. Even some of the larger tents come in lighter weights so you can hike and carry it at the same time without too much exertion. They fold down relatively easily but may be bulky or heavy, so you need to determine the most convenient means of transporting the tent to your site. The larger tents are best brought by car, whereas 2-person tents are normally fine for hiking. What's it Made Of? By evaluating the tent material used for your particular camping season - as well as whether it offers any amenities such as mesh panels - you can more easily locate and purchase a tent that will truly suit your purposes. Take the time to find just the right kind of tent because you will need it to protect yourself from the elements and give you the comfort you need to enjoy a great camping trip. Post from: Outdoors Hunting Fishing

Beginners Guide To Bass Tackle

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Why does one person desire to learn how to fish while another person doesn't? I'm sure most people don't have a clue as to why they like to fish or what prompted them to do it in the first place. Whatever the reason, each year multitudes of people take...

December 2008

Everthing About Camping Sport

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It’s fun to go away for a few days out of town under a tent. There is nothing to beat breathing fresh air and eating outdoors, surrounded by beautiful scenery. Of course, possessing the perfect camping supplies and equipment makes the experience ...