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May 2010

Thomas Chippendale - Work And Styles Influenced The London Interior Design Community

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Thomas Chippendale didn’t grow up in London (in fact he was born in Leeds in 1718), but he did move to London at the age of 31, after he had already gained recognition as a premiere furniture maker and cabinetry-focused interior designer. His work...

Living Room Decor Ideas: Spectacular Living Rooms

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Whether your living room is a 21 foot length with a large picture window at one end or you live in a tiny apartment and the living room is bijou to say the least, there are living room décor ideas to suit you and your budget. You can go for cozy chi...

Use Rustic Home Furnishings to Create a Country Home in the City (down)

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Rustic used to mean ‘rickety and cheap’, but rustic style is all grown up and now borders on sophisticated and trendy. Beautiful woods, polished logs, and twiggy charm has made rustic one of the most popular styles in the market today. Stev...

April 2010

A Top London Interior Designer, What Do You Feel?

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Interior designers sometimes get asked about the hottest colour trends. And this season, we have a confession to make: white is the new black! White interior designs are hip and trendy once again, and in particular those sterile white kitchens are now ...

Create A Lasting Impression With Living Room Furniture

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Beautiful craftsmanship and stunning decoration has always been favorites of many home owners. They add a touch of style and elegance to your home. Placing the perfect living room furniture can do wonders reflecting the mood and character of entire hou...

Colour Me Brightly! Understanding Light in Interior Design. Part II: Perforations and Glass

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Professional interior designers are expertly trained in the use of lighting features to create breathtaking results. In this four-part series which I call “Colour Me Brightly: Understanding Light in Interior Design,” I draw on my experience in Lond...

Home Furnishings

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Since the bottom dropped out of the housing market, people have been coming to terms with the reinstatement of an old truth.  Houses are homes – places to live in, not places to sell.  Gone are the days of carefully decorating in neutral col...

Feng Shui Living Room - Creating The Right Atmosphere For Family Bonding

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To be the one room in a  home that brings the entire family together is the ultimate purpose of the feng shui living room. This particular room also serves as the place where you may entertain guests. So as to make it more inviting and be an area wher...

October 2009

Elegant Living Room Furniture

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When shop in the market for furniture to accentuate your living room, you may find it difficult to choose the right one as a vast array of unusual furniture items are readily available as per your personal preferences and tastes. The existing furnitur...

Living Room Furniture

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Living Room SeatingThe way you arrange seating in your living room effects how your family and guests socialize and congregate in your home. With the right arrangement and seating styles you can turn a drab and quiet living area into a buzzing den of ...

Stylish Living Room Furniture Choices

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Mostly, homeowners want to fill up the spaces in the living room with exquisite living room furniture choices. In this regard endless options have been made available to find perfect furniture choices as per the personal tastes and preferences of the ...

September 2009

Modern living room furniture

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Everybody in this world wants to make his house the most beautiful and most comfortable place to live in. Well, a beautiful house can not be complete without exclusive furniture. So you need to think about decorating your house with modern furniture. ...

August 2009

Furnishing A Dark Living Room

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Furnishing a living room is tricky by itself, furnishing a dark living room gets even trickier. A dark living room requires more attention because it all depends with how you use your living room furniture to ensure the place is looks warm and invitin...

October 2008

Decorating On A Budget – 10 Cost Saving Ideas

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In the best of all worlds, there would be unlimited cash available to make any decorating decisions we would like. The reality is, for most of us, that we have to make do with budget constraints to make our homes look and feel inviting and comfortabl...