public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag 知多一點點

January 2010

December 2009

herbal wisdom

"I've learned that borage is considered one of the very best plants to have in the vicinity of a bee hive, dead nettle can counteract colds or be boiled in water to produce a yellow dye, and that fresh milk will stay sweet and fresh longer if rue, thyme, and marjoram are hung next to the milk containers. "

November 2009


最多人熟識的車打芝士(Cheddar),大可與蘋果作伴。同樣受歡迎的法國 芝士Brie,其味清淡而質軟滑,最理想的配搭是核桃。英國 名產Stilton,是聖誕大餐必備,襯上好年份的砵酒,燭光爐火,共謀一醉。Stilton味濃,質膩,頗鹹,平日最好伴以清甜香滑的梨子,特別以Conference或Bosc品種為佳。 這三種芝士之外,要數意大利 派瑪森芝士(Parmasean)最合小食佐飲,它越陳年味越甘香,不需任何配搭,切成不規則形狀,朱古力大小的小塊,用牙籤取食,就可伴意大利白酒或任何紅酒。

October 2009

蘋果的化妝箱: 中醫專欄:經痛急救法


Flickr 還是 PicasaWeb?

雖然用 Picasa 可配合 Flickr Uploadr 和 picasa2flickr 上傳相片到 Flickr,亦會自動填上 tags,但這樣一來,要多安裝兩個工具,而且事後修改 tags 又不能像 PicasaWeb 那樣跟 Picasa 自動同步,所以在二取其一的情況下,我還是選了 PicasaWeb。

iPhone Camera Roll 相片消失問題

原來是當相片檔案編號跳到 IMG_9999 之後 (即由 IMG_10000 開始),就無法在 Camera Roll 內顯示出來。 將 DCIM 資料夾整個刪除。沒錯!狠狠的刪掉吧!下一次再用 iPhone 拍照,就會自動重新建立一個 DCIM 資料夾,相片檔案編號亦會重設至由 IMG_0001 起跳,此後所拍的相片又會如常在 Camera Roll 內顯示。


ua cafe: 這是在United Arrows的旁邊的咖啡廳,處在一條巷子,包下整條巷子的空間。 有別於一般使用厚片做成的法國吐司,這間店用的是外脆內軟的法國麵包。這蛋汁除了蛋之外,應該有牛奶、白奶油、糖和香草精。

September 2009


中風患者床邊復健,速記後整理出來,與有緣的病友分享... (以下適用於右半身不遂,若是左半身不遂,請用相反側)

honeymoon registry

After our wedding this weekend, we'll be flying to Italy and Greece for two weeks. We can't wait. We're flying into Naples, then going to Positano for four nights, then Rome for three nights, then Santorini for four. It will be such an exciting, romantic, over-the-top trip! To help afford our splurgy honeymoon, we skipped the regular household registry and created a honeymoon registry. We signed up with buy-our-honeymoon

August 2009

aNobii: Discussions > 買英文書

place to buy english books except amazon

July 2009

shelterrific » Blog Archive » post off: what’s your daily ritual?

I may not be as rigidly planned as some, but I just can’t start my day off without a freshly pulled latte and at least ten minutes in front of the computer.

popping bubbles

Richard Heeks takes photos of soap bubbles. Apparently they don't pop, but instead rip and tear. How violent! But still so beautiful.