public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag 生活態度

September 2009

how i found what i love

"You've got to follow your passion. You've got to figure out what you love -- who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams." -- Oprah Winfrey

August 2009

days fly by

"i am here and life is full and i think tomorrow i'll go to the pool while the kids are at camp and sit. just sit. and try to slow down the passing of time, if only for a morning."

once more, with feeling

"love how time seems to move differently at the beach. how i can sit on the beach for hours and the day seems to melt by like honey. how i can spend an entire day looking out over that ocean, laying in that sand, eating sandwiches smushed from the cooler, painting, swimming, gathering rocks (don't get me started on the beach rocks!), walking, talking, napping, reading, looking out at the ocean some more, and suddenly the sun is starting to set and the day has gone by in what feels like an instant. i love that. all of it."

Nothing but love for you ~

"I see you just as you are and just as you are not. And I have nothing but love for you." This powerful quote was written and chosen for me by my friend Jen Lee


"you can be as tender & tiny as you are magnificant & strong"

ode to friday

i love you because you are the day that simon drives me to work. (and the day he buys me a scone, too. ) i love you because a fine glass of wine or cold beer awaits me after work. i love you because you are the day that new illustrations are posted here. i love you because you remind me to turn off my iphone, shut down my laptop, and just be.

On taking the next step

There is so much about this crazy life to be grateful for. So much goodness. So much support. So much love. Even when the steps take great effort, and the breath is labored, there is beauty unfolding. In shadow and in light.

the twists of life

"I want them to know that sometimes it's because you are meant for someone else. Sometimes the letter is enough."


正念的意思是,保持覺知,在當下完全知道自己在做甚麼。 我腦海雜念奇多。還沾沾自喜可以multi-tasking。其實每一個當下,也不夠用心。


跟隨禪師去習禪,連走路吃飯,也要重新學起。城市人,慣於憂心,擅長揹著恐懼前行。但在佛堂內禪師指導我們呼吸,吸入空氣,感受生命力,呼出時微笑,隨時隨地,便可保持身心祥和。心靜,內在的本來面目才會呈現,我們才能了解自己為何煩惱,為何憤怒。   坐禪外,還有行禪,又再觀呼吸、微笑;步行時,感受腳掌和大地接吻,內心邊唸:「我自在,我不動,到家園,到家園……」圍著寺廟緩緩走一遍,已吻遍了大地。   到大夥兒中午吃飯,祭五臟廟的禪機,便是體會吃的愉悅心情。把笟菜送進嘴裏時,請和它微笑,感受一塊豆腐、一條青菜背後蘊藏的陽光和生命。就這樣,大家吃得靜默、吃得深情,桌上的齋菜,很快被我們「感激」淨盡了。

Verses for Daily Living

Following the Breath Breathing in, I calm my body Breathing out, I smile Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment Breathing in, I know I am breathing in And breathing, out I know As the in-breath goes deep The out-breath grows slow Breathing in makes me calm Breathing out brings me ease With the in breath, I smile With the out breath, I release Breathing in, there is only the present moment Breathing out, it is a wonderful moment In, Out Deep, Slow Calm, Ease Smile, Release Present moment, Wonderful moment

從前在2009年的瑞典 一百份之一

能夠和四周的媽媽一同寫下夢想,到打開信箱揭到069頁讀著一年前的心聲,是福氣。 原來,我們已經起行了。

July 2009

Curious Bird: daily ritual: making a to-do list

everyone has different ways to prepare for things and keep their lives organized -- one of mine is to make lists. lots of lists. It helps me remain calm when I have lots to do. It also keeps me from forgetting simple things like replying to a letter or buying a needed supply. I don't know what I would do if I didn't stop and take the time to make a daily list or add a few things to a post-it note.

shelterrific » Blog Archive » post off: what’s your daily ritual?

I may not be as rigidly planned as some, but I just can’t start my day off without a freshly pulled latte and at least ten minutes in front of the computer.

Be Still.

We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no time for stillness — and sitting in front of a frenetic computer all day, and then in front of the hyperactive television, doesn’t count as stillness. This comes at a cost: we lose that time for contemplation, for observing and listening. We lose peace.

品味生活's Grace: 不急。慢慢來 - yam天空部落

「緩慢」民宿位於阿里山奮起湖,高山徐徐的涼風總有安定心靈的力量 …。我們比較早抵達,在一樓的餐廳等待 check in,我們啃著奮起湖餅乾、無所事事的喝茶聊天,小朋友們在一旁素描。

a little love note

Audrey Hepburn once said, "If I get married, I want to be very married." Alex, I can't wait to very-marry you.

June 2009

May 2009

誰來趕走雨季?: 遇上老闆娘。


issue sixteen: find joy « this joy ride

let’s make a commitment to reconnect with joy. we’re not just saying “snap out of it and get joyful!” but let’s make a promise to practice joy even when we aren’t feeling that joyful.