public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag 愛的小詩

April 2009

thankful this week for...

*thankful for the last couple of days that have felt squarely like spring in seattle. doors open. windows open. bliss. *thankful for the word proud. *and for long conversations with my husband about what really matters, about how we can do better, about how we love well, about making plans to celebrate 10 years. *thankful for old friends reaching out to reconnect

Would You Like Your Guy to Propose With This Ring?

Artist Jungyun Yoon makes sterling silver and 14K gold that have "secret" messages on the inside, which leave an impression on your fingers. Wouldn't this "Marry Me" engagement ring be amazing?!

March 2009




「我一向不喜歡灑狗血的肉麻情節。你也許不懂,我老是寫這些咿咿啊啊的做什麼;然而我只是害怕,在這抵禦不住的日日夜夜,有一天,我會忘記。在這個倒牛奶都會打翻的夜裡,我吃著你替我洗淨的櫻桃,想著自己,也想著你。一輩子這個字眼很遙遠,所以才突顯生命的悠長。你也會想想我們嗎? Dear,我們滿兩週年囉。 才兩年嗎?怎麼覺得好像好久好久了。」


"當一個人的生命確切地踏實在另一個人的心地上,這份所思所感,會在記憶中留下戳記,反應在現實生活中,成為一條索引。愛吃不愛吃什麼、看了哪一部電影會捧腹大笑、哪一位詩人的作品曾讓你在第一時間想起對方.......那作用,等同我慣常在書頁上圈記著一個又一個詞彙、折下一頁又一頁閱覽的瞬間。關鍵字一旦多了起來,就能裝訂成冊;一本不折不扣的備忘指南。 所謂的個人使用說明書,是否就是這麼一回事?撰寫的人不只是自己,有時也參雜了不同於己的人生意見。至少接下來我所書寫的故事中,肯定少不了柔光說過的話。"

February 2009

When you love someone,

you pick up the little things and magically turn them into something special.



my little valentine

preferably something cute and little and filled with candy. I was remembering some little Christmas matchboxes we did when I was at the Kids magazine, so we revamped them for Valentine's day

貴婦奈奈的福態日記 - 疼女人的藝術


January 2009

Love is not looking at each other

“Love is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction”— Antoine de Saint-Exupery

half-heartedly - 'I admit I'm a hopeless romantic fool...' [too]

"Here are a few things I wish to do with YOU at some point in this lifetimes:"



I fall totally and completely in love with you all over again

" fall in love with you just thinking about you, remembering all the memories we' ve made: falling in love for the first time, staying in love during the rough times, finding more to love about each other every day. "

December 2008



magical thinking

"So I started writing down the funnier moments of the day. I keep a jar on my desk, and when the kids say something particularly worthy of recording, I grab a scrap of paper (phone bill, envelope, chopstick holder.. whatever is lying around) and I quickly jot it down. " "The jar is filling up quickly, and when I'm having a below average day, I reach in and pull out a quote.. and suddenly I'm laughing and running to hug my little comedians."

five a day

" stamped each page of the book with the date, and wrote 5 things that happened each day. I can read the pages and remember exactly how I felt, where we were walking that day, how happy I was riding the subway on my way to meet him."

November 2008

Cascada - What hurts the most

What hurts the most, was being so close. Having so much to say, and watching you walk away. Never knowing, what could have been. Not seeing that loving you, was what I was trying to do.