public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag 愛的小詩

November 2009



You Found Your Mr. Darcy

congrats on finding your mr darcy

October 2009

September 2009

love thursday: 24 simple ways to show love in the next 24 hours

1. Buy coffee for the guy standing behind you at the coffee shop. 2. Open the door for someone before entering yourself. It doesn't matter if you're a girl and he's a boy, or you're a boy and she's a girl, or you're both boys, or you're both girls. You can do it. 3. Send a quick email to someone you haven't heard from in a while. It can just say, "Hey, I was thinking about you. I hope you're well." Trust me, it will make her day. 4. Send a small, handwritten note -- via regular mail! -- to someone far away. It can just say, "Hey, I was thinking about you. I hope you're well." Trust me, it will make his day. 5. Give someone flowers, just because. They don't have to be expensive. The blossom above was part of a grocery-store bouquet that cost $3.99. The recipient really isn't going to care that it wasn't expensive. I promise. 6. Invite someone to your home. Have something baking in the oven for them when they arrive. 7. Light a candle and think of someone who is going through a rough time. Silently offer them good thoughts/prayers. 8. Pick a charity. Give something. 9. Buy a magazine subscription for a friend out of the blue. 10. Give blood. 11. Prepare someone's tea. In my opinion, it's a wonderful act of love to not just put the hot water and a teabag in front of a friend, but actually prepare and steep the tea for them. 12. Tell a child -- or someone who is struggling with self-esteem -- how great you think they are. And mean it. 13. The next person who serves you a meal at a restaurant, or helps you in a store, or sells you your morning newspaper, look him in the eyes, smile, and say "thank you" with as much sincerity as you can muster. 14. Give someone a heartfelt hug. Just because. 15. Start a hopeful revolution: leave a hope note somewhere. Extra points if you leave it on the windshield of a stranger's car. 16. Offer to cook a meal for someone. 17. Offer to give someone a break -- babysit, hire a maid service for them, or even straighten her house yourself. 18. Clean out your closet. Give the gently-used clothing you no longer want to a shelter. 19. Take a photograph of something beautiful. Send it to someone, with the note: "This reminded me of you." 20. Give someone something of yours -- a book, perhaps, or a small trinket -- with no expectation of return. 21. Blow out a candle. Make a wish on someone else's behalf as you do it. 22. Make a short list of the things you love about someone you love. Leave the list where they can find it. 23. Make a date to have coffee or a glass of wine with an old friend. 24. Say "I love you." Mean it.

i made this for you

i found a fence she passes everyday and left this message spelled with paper cups.

my secret to happy relationship - jessicas

According to my grandmother: "Have your own life. Pursue your dreams and let your husband do the same. Being content with yourself makes you a better wife." According to my grandfather: "Any disagreement can be settled with two words: 'Yes, dear.' "

my secret to happy relationship - jordan

We have a thing called "surprise treats." They can be flowers, love notes, our favorite candy, a cool picture, a drawing or a book. It's not usually expensive--just a thoughtful, fun surprise. We wrap them up and hide them, and then call each other and say there's a surprise treat waiting.

my secret to happy relationship - michael

The idea is that if there are enough, and they're well hidden, you'll discover new ones (in your pockets, in the luggage) daily throughout your whole trip. It makes being apart a bit more bearable!

my secret to happy relationship - alyson

What makes my relationship with DLB, my partner-in-crime and soon-to-be husband, so special is our friendship. Whether we're singing songs together on a road trip, reading books on a blanket in the park or tasting the newest beer at the local brew pub, it's important to be able to have fun together....Or you could win his heart by baking a peach pie. That one always works. -- Alyson, Unruly Things

Fight hard, laugh harder. This is what works for us. Mr. French and I are ridiculously passionate (emotional) people. If we keep things inside, our relationship suffers. We argue and fight, but always in a respectful way. More importantly, we laugh. I married Mr. French because he was the first man I ever met that made me laugh until I cried...and he still does. -- Traci French, Bliss

August 2009

ode to friday

i love you because you are the day that simon drives me to work. (and the day he buys me a scone, too. ) i love you because a fine glass of wine or cold beer awaits me after work. i love you because you are the day that new illustrations are posted here. i love you because you remind me to turn off my iphone, shut down my laptop, and just be.

the twists of life

"I want them to know that sometimes it's because you are meant for someone else. Sometimes the letter is enough."

從前在2009年的瑞典 一百份之一

能夠和四周的媽媽一同寫下夢想,到打開信箱揭到069頁讀著一年前的心聲,是福氣。 原來,我們已經起行了。

July 2009

right this second… « unruly things

I’m remembering: the sun. the beach. his words. because I’ve got a: pretty new ring on my finger.

a little love note

Audrey Hepburn once said, "If I get married, I want to be very married." Alex, I can't wait to very-marry you.

May 2009

love you bookmark

What you'll need: 1) the printable PDF of the template, get it here 2) letter-sized cardstock 3) fabric scrap 4) craft knife 5) short length of thinnish ribbon 6) .25 inch hole punch 7) spray adhesive 8) bone folder

inchmark - inchmark journal - seven years

"Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh everyday, ah, now that's a real treat." Joanne Newman

Sweet Things You Do | Victoria Grace Nation

I woke up to a heart shaped burger, a cutom made salad with whole-wheat crumbs and orange juice.

April 2009