public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag quote

January 2009

love & fear

"Deep down, at our core, there are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety, and guilt." - David Kessler

December 2008


「品嘗咖啡的一段時光 -- 改變心情,重新安置,再度面對人生,儘管短暫,卻具有貴重而濃密的時間質量。」

November 2008

Cascada - What hurts the most

What hurts the most, was being so close. Having so much to say, and watching you walk away. Never knowing, what could have been. Not seeing that loving you, was what I was trying to do.

歲月長 衣裳薄

「眼淚的存在,是為了証明,悲哀不是一場幻覺。 那麼連眼淚都没有了呢?那麼只剩得徒然為自己所作的假設之後呢?悲哀又是什麼? 我所看過寫悲最有同感的文字來自亦舒:在該刹那,身體一部分永遠死亡。 通俗點說:走肉行屍,具體點說:連呼吸都覺得累,呼吸太造作的话,不如說, 一想起還要繼續坐着的話,忽然茫無頭绪,但覺累不可支,已跟失眠無關。 你試過走着入睡,睡到失眠嗎?那是比失戀是一場感冒更可遇不可求的發現。 我所理解最悲的事情是﹕悲哀後遗症,引致打後的歡娛都得小心翼翼,樂而忘返的日子,一去不返,再也没有投入的資格。 誰给我全世界,我都會懷疑,心花怒放,卻開到荼靡。 林夕說,他寫過最悲的事情是﹕原来我非不快樂,只我一人未發覺。 他說,他所知道最有效的悲極生樂古方﹕要决心忘記,我便記不起。 我們不斷成長,就是為了遺忘。」

October 2008

rainy days and new starts

"Be happy in whatever you do. I love how that sounds."

August 2008

a photo

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Mahatma Gandhi



May 2008



April 2008

我說它閃亮 ,它就會發光

刻卜勒牛頓的內心中,一定存在非常強烈的渴望 對於這世界所浮現的道理不管多微小都想要了解 這才能使他們熬過許多寂寞的歲月 致力解開天體力學的秘密 -- 愛因斯坦


寂寞古池躍青蛙 水有聲 這句子好在什麼地方呢?其實它的好一半在作者的敘述,一半在它跟讀者之間共有的默契。什麼默契?你必須先同意素樸的、簡約的、收斂的美,你必須用數學上的減法,把場景減到極枯寂極空靈,然後,悄然浮出的那一點才是美。


Remembrance is a form of meeting; Forgetfulness is a form of freedom. 記憶,是一種使人相遇的形式。遺忘,卻是一種重獲自由的方式。 紀伯倫(Kahil Gibran)

"live from you heart, you will be most effective."

"sometimes I need to hear things like that. carry on."

March 2008

12 Essential Rules to Live More Like a Zen Monk

1. Do one thing at a time. 2. Do it slowly and deliberately. 3. Do it completely. 4. Do less. 5. Put space between things. 6. Develop rituals. 7. Designate time for certain things. 8. Devote time to sitting. 9. Smile and serve others. 10. Make cleaning and cooking become meditation. 11. Think about what is necessary. 12. Live simply. 11.

LV ads: where will life take you?

"What is a joutney? A journey is not a trip. It's not a vacation. It's a process. A Discovery. It's a process of self-discovery. A journey brings us face to face with ourselves. A journey shows us not only the world, but how we fit in it. Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? The journey is life itself. Where will life take you?"



February 2008

【聖嚴法師開示】- 幸福的起點


January 2008

peace is joy

"peace is joy at rest and joy is peace on its feet" -- anne lamott

November 2007

That's where I'll be waiting

"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land! ~ Peter Pan"

October 2007



Advice from Warren Buffet

"Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good"

September 2007

and all that jazz.

"be joy. find joy. love joy."


