public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from blackgoldfish with tag inspiration

April 2009

beauty, romance and simplicity

I particularly love the way this photograph encapsulates what Polaroid photography is all about - capturing the moment in an instant. Most wedding photography is a major production of lights, fancy cameras and sweat; to me this Polaroid shot captures the intimacy of their wedding day so much better.

DIY Bridal Party Survival Kit

Aspirin, band-aids, spot remover, breath mints and tissues are all good items to include to help your maids through the long day, so they can focus on what really matters: you and your groom.


鳳珍,前花草遊戲雜誌副主編,我不常見面但很有得聊的朋友,在這不景氣人人緊守工作崗位的時候,選擇了牽著腳踏車,開起她的“茉莉花園“ 在哪裡?淡水榕堤餐廳附近 每個星期五

b is for book

When our son C was born, my husband's family put together a bag full of favorite children's books. Each person in the family chose a book, and wrote a little note explaining why they had picked it and what they hoped C would learn from it. It was such a thoughtful gift, and almost five years later, many of those books are my son's favorites.

Inspired by

"memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." Kevin Arnold

March 2009

not me

some had a big birthday yesterday




走到Monet 的Water Lilies中央,看著他漫延輕步,淺白的陽光反射,沉默細語的湖面,幽暗間的疑惑,被覆蓋上一片一片串連的細蓮葉子,不動聲息滑過水面,走一少步,停著,不經意間踏了另一小步,寂靜,依著水流,劃過了心境起伏不停的情緒,片刻喘息,最後,沉睡在那一片深藍。


莊子說:「天地有大美而不言。」 意指天地與人世間存在著無以言表的美麗、美好與美妙, 但天地始終沉默無言,並不張揚。 透過詩歌、言語,我們將其描繪出來,因而有藝術之美, 但我相信無論如何都不及親眼所見。

The Brave Thing To Do

"Closing the store is the brave thing to do... You are daring to imagine that you could have a different life."

February 2009

LollyChop's take on the punched butterflies

For this project I used: Colorful paper (you can use scraps from catalogs (the covers are best), scrapbook paper, paper samples, etc... 2 Martha Stewart butterfly punches (seen below) Zots 3D-Dots (foam sticky squares) Cardstock paper Picture frame with 3D mat board

A Day is a Tourist, A Year is a Traveler

『A day is a step, a year is a tango. A day is a tourist, a year is a traveler. A day is a chance encounter, a year says love. A day is frustration, a year is a melody. A day is a lump of clay, a year is whatever you want it to be. A day is a thought, a year is a philosophy. Every year counts. Glenfiddich.』-Glenfiddich〈Every Year Counts〉TVC

January 2009