public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bizblogr

01 February 2007 13:30

01 February 2007 13:15

How to save money on pearl drop necklaces?

by 4 others
Information that nobody wants to tell you about pearl drop necklaces. - Using Wikipedia as a Web Database

by 7 others is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. dbpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.

01 February 2007 13:00

Seo - Managing Comments On A Blog

by 1 other
You know your blogging is working when your page rankings are high and you have a lot of visitors. This also means that your blog might also need some management. Although you have succeeded at a business blog because your readers feel at home you might have too many "tenants" to manage in one space. You may have already them with a space in which they can respond to your blogs. Most blogging software and blogging sites already offer this especially if you have paid for a subscription or premium service. However if you are being hosted by a site that does not allow comments or feedback from your readers then there are such programs as Haloscan or ForumUp, which allow you to attach your own free forum. Your readers click on a link and post their comments there. Of course these free forums also have their drawbacks. Usually if you send your readers to a forum on someone else's servers they will be bombarded by free ads. The danger here is that they will click on those ads and not any of the ads related to your blog. The reason a comments section beneath your blog is so important is because it can create an argument that lasts for ages. This of course qualifies as fresh content. It also can give you a topic for a blog if someone poses a question or brings up an argument for you to respond you. In fact your reader's comments are one of the best sources of inspiration for content for the blog itself. Banning someone from your site by editing your commentary section is part of the blogging business. Make sure that when you post a blog on a free host that you have the capability of being able to edit any feedback that is posted. Unfortunately many free sites do not allow you to ban a poster unless you subscribe to premium services.

Google Analytics

by 56 others
Google Analytics helps you find out what keywords attract your most desirable prospects, what advertising copy pulled the most responses, and what landing pages and content make the most money for you.