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In SEO, It s Not What You Do, It s How You Do It

For years (perhaps as long as I ve been in this industry), I ve read comments all over the web about how anyone can do SEO and/or the obligatory don t waste your money on an SEO expert.


GQ Names the 25 Best Cocktail Bars in America

To compile and rank the nation s greatest cocktail bars for that October issue, GQ traveled over 30,000 miles, visited twenty-one cities and 102 pubs, and drank much more than 400 cocktails, prior to finally selecting Seattle s Zig Zag Cafe as the number 1 bar on the list.


On Havana s Streets, Few Expect Much Change

Despite looming large over the Cuban people for half a century, engineering their lives down to the city block and barraging them with his innermost thoughts in speeches and essays that went on ad infinitum, Fidel Castro elicited a rather muted reaction on the streets of Havana on Tuesday with his decision to finally stand down as president.

Unique Valentines Day Gift Ideas for Valentines Day Gift Giving

It s that time again! Just when you are getting over Christmas, the New Year party and football playoffs, here comes Valentine s day. A day that strikes fear in the hearts of men, pours love in the hearts of women, and makes singles cry or rejoice that they don t have to put forth anything.

Lots of Strange People in the News Today

The news is full of strange men today. First off, we ve got our Fearless Leader dancing arm-and-arm with the king of Saudi Arabia while brandishing a sword. (Whose side is he on again?) Next we ve got the world s Geek-In-Chief, Steve Jobs, beside himself over what amounts to an $1800 laptop that can t burn CDs.