public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags make & 5

May 2008

5 Tips to Prepare for Term Paper All-Nighters

The all-nighter for a term paper is unavoidable sometimes. Here are a few great tips to help you make the all-nighter go a little easier and faster!

February 2008

5 Things Shoppers Do Not Want from Online Retailers

Here is a list of 5 things that I feel hinders my online shopping experiences, and make me think twice before making an online purchase.

5 Reasons to Send Roses This Valentine’s Day

The red rose is one of the simplest–yet very romantic gifts that you can give someone. Maybe that’s why so many people choose to give red roses on Valentine’s Day. If you are one of those people, though, you need to make sure that you follow these tips to ensure success when giving red roses.

5 Things Shoppers Want From Online Retailers

Here are 5 things that are helping me as an online shopper (and helping online retailers make their sales plan)