public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tag how

March 2008

Common Mistakes on the DMV Driving Test and How to Avoid Them

Everybody who has a license passed it - the driving test. Some passed their first test, some passed their fifth. The common thing about everyone is that they made mistakes. For sure. There is no perfect driver, and as a result no perfect driving.

How to a Survey - Survey Basics

Survey Research can be broken down into 5 simple steps. That is to say, breaking the process down is simple. How difficult the individual steps are depends on the size and scope of your project. Try to take each step individually.

How I chose a blogging platform

When the blogging craze started, I never thought it would find me. Blogging really didn’t quite catch on to me until I saw how it can be like a game—and a practical one at that. After that, it didn’t take me long to check out different platforms, just to get the feel of them.

February 2008

How to Conduct a Survey - Intro

The first in a series of articles designed to to explain the very basics of conducting a customer or employee survey.

Ask for Help and Save Electricity

It seems everyone understands how limited natural resources could get and how our wastefulness can put future generations at risk. This is great news for the cost-conscious energy consumer because this means that resources are available.

Re-Model and Save Money on your Electric Bill

During this re-modeling, no matter how small it could be, take the chance to evaluate ways to reduce energy usage and make some changes to help make your house more efficient in the future.

StumbleUpon Graveyard

A few things will kill a stumble, sending no traffic and sending the page to a quiet death. I present for your horror the StumbleUpon Graveyard and how posts are dragged down to its bowels, I will even provide tips to avoid such a fate..

ust How Much Traffic Can You Get From Social Media Websites?

If you get your content right, social media sites can send 10’s of thousands of visitors to your site in a short space of time. But how much traffic do these social media sites really send?

USAToday and Forbes How to Screw up a Good Idea

So I’m cruising through my reader this AM and come across this piece on USA Today Hottest shows in Las Vegas. Lots of blah balh copy, but what I really want to see is the list of the 10 shows. Inside the middle of the article I follow the link to the slide show (yes slide show in the anchor text already has me jittery). I’m sent through a series advertising screens and end up here. On top of that I now have to “next” through 10 different screens.

Do A-Listers Really Still Promote Text-Link-Ads?

This week I decided that I wanted to spend some time catching up with some of the ‘make money online’ and ‘internet marketing‘ blogs that I’ve been neglecting for a while. I got caught up on some of the posts I’ve missed, and I’m always amazed when I do this at how much real talent there is out there.

Google Sitelinks explained

To some, Google Sitelinks are the ultimate endorsement of a website or ‘blog. While there are many clear advantages, knowing how to gain Sitelinks has always been something of a dark art — more guess work than hard work. But what if I said I knew a way?

Random Bytes On Naked Blogging

How much self disclosure is too much?Some is essential, because readers need a degree of background information, and not only on the facts and logistics of a non-personal issue.

Usability Expert Says Microsoft Fluent User Interface Is Not so Fluent

Trying to use the new Fluent User Interface (aka the ribbon) illicit feelings of confusion, frustration, and depending how quickly I need to get something done and am unable to find where it is hiding, anger.

Paris Hilton on the Primaries: Oh, what s that?

It s very surprising that Hilton needs to be briefed on how the electoral process works. As you all know, Hilton was an integral part of Diddy s 2004 Vote or Die campaign.

See What A News Blog Is - What Are Appropriate Contents For A news Blog At BloggingTruths.Com - A Blog On Blogging - SEO - Making Money Online And Websites

This in a piece of information on how to manage a News Blog like Voxant Newsroom Blog which consists of latest amp; variety of news/ events/ stuffs/ columns on world amp; US written by their top editors. Also included are editorials like expert opinions, columns as in news papers or news site. So we take that blog as example while discussing with news blog amp;w hat content should it have.

What Will Microsoft Yahoo Merger Mean for Online Marketing?

Microsoft may be acquiring Yahoo very soon. How will this effect online marketing? Especially if Yahoo Search totally replaces MS Live Search.

January 2008

How Would You Build Links If Google Did Not Exist?

Loren Baker looks into the practice of successful link building for Google, by pretending that Google and PageRank were never invented, and linking is done to attract interest and traffic.

How To Create Your Property Into A Whitetail Deer Paradise

Up until 1995 we, me, family, and friends shot every buck that gave us a opportunity and did not shoot does. All that change in 1995 when I shot a buck that scored in the 120’s. After that day I stared doing research on how to get bigger deer.

Why Social Marketing is Critical to the Internet Marketing Mix

Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Optimization (SMO) is an important - perhaps even critical - Internet marketing strategy. Time and time again marketers are unsure of how to approach marketing in the social networks or even if they should at all.

December 2007

The Rick Schwartz Domain and Traffic Blog of the quot;Domain King quot;: Rick s year end post 2007

In the first few weeks of the year we will hear how the experts are surprised about how strong online spending was. The experts are really no experts at all or they would have predicted what is coming not reacting to it.

How I Network on Friendster, Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn » techipedia | tamar weinberg

I am fascinated by the amount of social networks that I’m part of, but better yet, I’m intrigued to find that I assume different “personas,” at least in terms of choosing friends (and using the networks), on each social site. Are you the same?

Crystal Cruises’ 2008 How To World Cruise

From money management and memoir writing to photography and the science of sleep, Crystal Cruises’ 108-day 2008 World Cruise features an expanded curriculum of “how to” lectures and instruction.

Things to do with an old cell / mobile phone

There must be millions of old cell phones festering away in drawers, forgotten and unloved, and soon to be consigned ingloriously to the rubbish dump. But before you send your ancient phone packing, check out our tips on how to squeeze that last little bit of juice out of your old pal.

How to Pick a Deer Stand in Large Hardwood Trees

One big question every rookie deer hunter has is where do I set up my stand? The question really needs to be how do I decide where to set up my stand. Even experienced hunters ask themselves that question sometimes when in new territory.

Top 10 Public Relations Blunders of 2007

Every year, Fineman PR puts together a list of the top ten public relations blunders of the year. Fineman PR puts this list together to show how critical public relations is to businesses and organizations.