public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tags health & that

April 2010

FDA Approves New OxyContin Formula that Discourages Misuse

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new formula of OxyContin. Apparently this new version of the drug has been designed to help discourage misuse and abuse of OxyContin.

March 2010

Corey Haim Death Highlights Problem with Fake Prescriptions

With the recent untimely death of actor Cory Haim this week, the public is learning about an industry-wide problem that continues to plague the health insurance industry, fake prescriptions.

February 2010

Losing Your Hair? Your Genes are Only Partly to Blame

In a study due to be released next month, the worlds leading hair transplant and hair loss expert Dr. Larry Shapiro will show that men and women have been losing their hair from using popular weight loss and work out products that contain whey protein isolate, and it is not just their genes that are to blame.

FDA Approves Thermotex Heating Pad

The Thermotex Heating Pad, a heating pad that employs far infrared light to provide users with relief from pain, has been approved by the FDA. This approval followed after careful consideration of the gains of far infrared therapy and the beneficial results it has on the body.

Heating Pad Approved by FDA

The Thermotex Heating Pad, a heating pad that employs far infrared light to provide users with relief from pain, has been approved by the FDA. This approval followed after careful consideration of the gains of far infrared therapy and the beneficial results it has on the body.

Unique Heating Pad Approved by FDA

The Thermotex Heating Pad, a heating pad that employs far infrared light to provide users with relief from pain, has been approved by the FDA. This approval followed after careful consideration of the gains of far infrared therapy and the beneficial results it has on the body.

Thermotex Heating Pad Approved by FDA

The Thermotex Heating Pad, a heating pad that uses far infrared light to provide users with relief from pain, has been approved by the FDA. This approval came after careful consideration of the benefits of far infrared therapy and the positive effects that it has on the body.

How to Strengthen Your Fingers and Calluses

Within a few hours, I could notice a difference. My fingers were already more responsive and moved at a lighter flow, similar to a baseball player warming up in the batter’s box with a heavier bat so that his swing speed improves with his normal bat.

December 2008

HES Launches Corporate Wellness Program

Health Enhancement Systems has launched a new corporate wellness program that allows participants to visit (virtually) 100 of our nations forests, monuments, parks, and other sites while they log their physical activity minutes over a period of 100 days.