public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from benoit with tag python

April 2007

March 2007

bsddb3 Python documentation

This is a simple bit of documentation for the bsddb3.db Python extension module which wraps the Berkeley DB 3.x or 4.x C library. The extension module is located in a Python package along with a few pure python modules.

Python: module xattr

This module gives access to the extended attributes present in some operating systems/filesystems. You can list attributes, get, set and remove them.

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Twisted / BitTorrent :: Client / Server

Two modules that run a BitTorrent server, and uses Twisted as a client to coordinate control-message passing, and progress monitoring.


by 1 other

Interfaces are objects that specify (document) the external behavior of objects that "provide" them.

December 2006

November 2006

September 2006

July 2006

PEP 333 -- Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0

by 1 other
This document specifies a proposed standard interface between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks, to promote web application portability across a variety of web servers.

June 2006

Python Templates

by 3 others
Gabarits en python, étape par étape

May 2006

untidy blog » Blog Archive » Writing XML with namespaces from minidom

Comment faire en sorte que minidom affiche les espaces de noms XML.

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Simple XML serlializer/de-serializer using Python dictionaries and marshalling

by 1 other
This recipe presents a way of serializing & de-serializing XML using the marshal module. The XML is converted to an equivalent Python dictionary first, which is marshaled to serialize it. De-serialization first unmarshals the dictionary from the file, and constructs the original XML.

Using REST with Ajax

how to use Ajax techniques to make web apps with REST APIs.

February 2006

October 2005