public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag games

04 March 2006

IGN: The Impact of Violent Videogames

Violent media has existed as long as human history and the debate over how or when to control it is as hotly contested as ever. With the trend towards greater realism and graphic content that began in the 90's, videogames have found themselves the focal point du jour. But how much of an impact have these violent videogames had? We'll take a look at the psychological, political, and economic issues surrounding violent videogames and try to make sense of it all. No matter which side of the fence you sit on this argument, it is important to know the facts.

Gamasutra - PathEngine SDK 5.01 Officially Released

The creators of the PathEngine SDK,a toolkit for implementing intelligent agent movement, based on a 'points of visibility' pathfinding solution implemented over arbitrary 3D ground meshes, have announced the release of V5.01. Key features are pathfinding through overlapping geometry, dynamic obstacle management, and content processing functionality. - Books

This is a non-exhaustive list of recommended books. New titles might be added to the list in the future. Books are organized by general subject (Technical Books, Game Design, Game Studies and related subjects) and, within subject, by no particular order.

Japanese gamers vote on top 100 games of all time - Idle Forums

1. Final Fantasy X (2001) 2. Final Fantasy VII (1997) 3. Dragon Quest III (1988) 4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004) 5. Machi (1998) 6. Final Fantasy IV (1991) 7. Tactics Ogre (1995) 8. Final Fantasy III (1990) 9. Dragon Quest VII (2000) 10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

27 February 2006

Mu-cade: The Physics Centipede Invasion » Fun-Motion Physics Games

Mu-cade is a new shoot-em-up by the master of shmups, Kenta Cho of ABA Games. He pitches his game as a “smashup waggly shmup”, which is, by itself, reason enough to check it out. With Mu-cade, Kenta has introduced physics into his formula of hardcore shooting games. The result is a great physics game (even if it will kick your ass in five minutes or less).

PTK 2D Game Engine for Mac os X and Win32

PTK is a game engine, also called a SDK (Software Development Kit) that helps you make your own games easily. PTK is a multi-platform 2D game engine with 3D capabilities built around OpenGL or Direct 3D accelerated hardware, however, it is also possible to create 3D multi platform ga mes with OpenGL. (Just use the PTK framework to handle the multi-platform work and concentrate on the game!) It has been designed to be as simple as possible; PTK can be used by a wide variety of users: from the most experienced programmers to the newbie aspiring game programmers. If you can program in Basic, you can use it! It just requires a very basic knowledge of C++ and of course a C++ Compiler. If you fit the requisite experience just mentioned, PTK is for you. You can download the demo for free and test all its functionality to see if you like working with PTK.

26 February 2006

Independent Games Festival - Audience Award

by 1 other (via)
Check out the following 19 finalists in IGF's Main Competition category, then cast a vote for the one you think should win the Audience Award.

Sociable games at Suttree, Elixir for Immortal Baboon

Like most people, I played around with Ning when it launched. I didn’t really know what to make of it and filed the link away as ‘one to come back to’. - Play with your friends! - Flash Player Installation

Ambiente multiplayer que permite que se integre um jogo qualquer com ele. Ferramentas para o desenvolvedor.

Mobile Entertainment Forum : : Home

MEF Initiatives MEF Initiatives bring together mobile entertainment leaders to collectively progress industry opportunities, track trends and tackle industry challenges.

25 February 2006

GameCultura: Games e pessoas 100% produtivas

a autora coloca em xeque as visões institucionalizadas que as pessoas devem aproveitar todo o seu walking time para serem 100% produtivas, escravizadas por programas de celulares e computadores móveis, tabelas e guias como Os 7 hábitos das pessoas altamente eficazes.

Super Mario Bros. Maps -

hese are the complete maps of the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES.

LosersJuegos - Usando seno y coseno

En este articulo discutiremos algunas técnicas de programación de juegos, todas en torno a un tema central: las funciones seno y coseno. Se explicará el concepto de seno, coseno, vectores, tangentes y algunos efectos especiales. Veremos como hacer misiles direccionales y como trabajan las rotaciones de bitmap. Comenzaré con lo más básico, pero luego cubriré técnicas de programación de juegos un poco mas avanzadas. Puede descargar todos los códigos de ejempo (12 en total) desde aquí. Todos se verificaron con anterioridad utilizando el compilador DJGPP. Si usted tiene DJGPP, puede descomprimir los fuentes y el makefile en un directorio y correr "make".

Automation Atari ST CD Catalog

This is an updated listing of all available Atari ST "compact disks" released by Automation. When I first found them, I was excited to find all the old games out there, but the inaccuracy of the list that accompanied them was deplorable. So, here is a 100% (or at least 99%) accurate list. I have gone through each and every one of these and tested them to some degree with STEEM Atari STE emulator. | Os jogos antigos não eram mais divertidos: analisando a evolução dos games

Gostaria de apresentar neste artigo uma reflexão a respeito da qualidade e nível de diversão dos jogos atuais em relação aos jogos antigos. Esta reflexão partiu da observação de uma possível tendência, entre os gamers com quase 30 anos (como eu), de avaliar os jogos mais antigos de maneira desproporcionalmente favorável.

Game/AI: AI Planning for games and characters CFP

However though AI Planning has much to contribute to both these fields, particularly in producing more convincing Non-Player Characters and autonomous intelligent characters, few AI planning researchers have been involved in this work, and the technology, where applied at all, has often been used in a somewhat ad hoc way. In addition, games company use of AI planning has so far been limited - A*-based motion planning the main exception - with practitioners feeling that the technology is too computationally expensive or risky for integration into computer games.

GameCultura: Video: Bate-papo sobre gamearte

Este é o vídeo de nosso bate-papo sobre gamearte, que rolou no SESC Consolação dia 20/02/06. Para quem não pode estar aqui, ou quer relembrar, veja aqui o vídeo hospedado no Google Video.

Gamasutra - Soapbox - "World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things" - printer friendly

Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft has over 5 million subscribers worldwide, as of this writing. It's the most successful massively multiplayer game on Earth right now. This well-crafted game has put other games in its genre to shame. Blizzard is a great company, and I might even end up there some day, though this article probably rules out that possibility.

GLS Conference Overview

Recent research has begun to elucidate the key principles of learning that well-designed games can and do embody. At the same time, the broader social significance of gaming culture has become a topic for scholarship across a diversity of fields. Games and simulations do not only reveal new worlds in the virtual realm, they also inspire new world views in the physical one. A vast range of videogames and game-related literature has found its way into curriculum, business, entertainment, and government across the country. Millions of people play, both for work and for recreation – and they participate in ongoing economic and social change as a result. As interest in videogames intensifies and the number of events dedicated to their discussion increases, it is crucial that issues of learning and the social role of games do not get lost in the equally worthy cause of industry-building.