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18 February 2006

FILE - Electronic Language International Festiva

FILE - Electronic Language International Festival is opening registrations for its seventh edition, that will be held at Sesi Paulista's cultural space, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the period from August 14 to September 3, 2006. Subscriptions are open from Febraury 10 to March 31, 2006. Submissions are free and open to professionals, researchers and students of the electronic language.

particle stream

"hi! my name is julian raul kücklich and this is my blog. particle stream is a a space for outlandish thoughts about fiction and games. enjoy!"

GameCultura: Cirurgia Videogame: uma viagem pelo corpo humano

TV Escola abre a programação do mês com uma viagem pelo corpo humano 31/01/2006 12h30 A TV Escola desta quarta-feira, 1º, abre a programação com Cirurgia Videogame, que mostra uma viagem pelo corpo humano e como os instrumentos cirúrgicos se parecem cada vez mais com jogos eletrônicos, que orientam minirrobôs cirurgiões e nanocâmeras. Em breve, as desconfortáveis endoscopias serão substituídas por câmeras-pílulas e equipes de especialistas poderão operar de qualquer lugar do mundo por telecirurgia. Às 7h, 9h e 21h. [...] A TV Escola pode ser acessada pelos canais 27 (Sky), 237 (DirecTV) e 4 (Tecsat) e também por antena parabólica analógica e digital. As grades de programação estão disponíveis no portal do MEC. (Assessoria de Imprensa da Seed)

Christian Nold Interaction Design RCA

Hypothetical biofeedback computer game with pulse rate sensors.

Terra Nova: GLS Conference: Submissions Deadline Extended

Deadline for submission to the second annual Games, Learning & Society (GLS) Conference to be held June 15-16, 2006 in Madison, Wisconsin has been extended to March 3, 2006.

GameCultura: Mini Games Experimentais

# o projeto todo deve ser feito por uma pessoa apenas em uma semana; # e cada jogo deve estar centrado em apenas um dos play elements fundamentais (isso é jargão de game designer, mas são basicamente os elementos que diferenciam os games dos outros softwares)

Heroine Sheik » Blog Archive » Orgasm: the Ultimate Game

What is a game, at its simplest, but an interactive challenge with a goal? Let’s go one better, and say a game — this game at least — takes skill, and that that necessary skill-level, along with the game itself, gets higher/faster/harder as the game continues, until it finally culminates in one last explosive battle.

Freeloader Vol. 3: ABA Shooter Madness from

ABA Games is a little Japanese company that has dedicated itself to that strange, videogame induced Nirvana, and they've produced a half dozen games that'll help you get there. Stranger still, they don't want a penny for it. How enlightened.

Schtick 'Em Up: The Shooter Gets Weird from

Shooters are the foundation of the video game industry, dating back all the way to the 1960's with Steve Russell's classic Spacewar. Since that time, the genre has been responsible for bringing much depth to the world of interactive entertainment, popularizing vital concepts like the power-up and the end-of-level boss which are still used in many of today's greatest games.

AntiFactory: Kenta Cho

Kenta Cho is the sole member of [ABA Games]? the maker of very well regarded indie shoot 'em ups. You may have seen them passed around the office: rRootage, [Tumiki Fighters]?, [Torus Troopers]?.

Home of the Underdogs - Entry: Every Extend

Every Extend is a very polished, highly addictive coffee-break action game from Japanese designer OMEGA. Like all addictive action games, Every Extend is very easy to learn, but hard to leave. Your only goal in this "kamikaze shooter" is to blow yourself up at the optimal moment to destroy the highest number of color blocks. With good timing, you can create a lot of chain reactions from exploding blocks.

Febre do <i>Pump it Up</i> enche os shoppings de jovens

O jogo consiste em seguir a sequência de passos que a máquina dita. Pode-se jogar em dupla, na modalidade stepper, ou sozinho, o que se chama de free style. "O stepper exige mais fôlego e resistência, já no free style é preciso saber dançar e coordenar os movimentos", explica Rafael. No começo pode ser esquisito ver um monte de marmanjo sapateando, mas aos poucos a gente se acostuma e começa a admirar o gingado dos rapazes.

Gamasutra - Feature - "Anticipatory AI and Compelling Characters"

Much of the work in game AI has focused on the ‘big' problems: path planning, squad planning, goal-directed behavior, etc. The result is characters that are capable of increasingly intelligent behavior. However, acting intelligently and acting aware and sentient is not the same thing. But if we are to create the kind of compelling and emotional characters upon which the next generation of computer games will be based, we must solve the latter problem, namely how to build characters that seem aware and sentient.

Intelligent Artifice: Augmented reality cell phone soccer game

C-LAB, the software arm of Siemens Business Services and the University of Paderborn have created "Kick Real," which is an AUGMENTED REALITY SOCCER GAME for cell phones. To play, you aim your camera phone down, and the video screen superimposes a soccer field on the live video of your foot. You can see the virtual ball, and "kick" it with your real foot to try and score goals.

GameCultura: Educação através dos jogos

Assista neste link um super-vídeo sobre educação através dos jogos, edugaming.

12 February 2006

A PyGame Working Example: Starting a Game

In PyGame for Game Development, I showed you the very basics of PyGame's graphical side. However, creating a game with PyGame requires a bit more. All the concepts described before need to be glued together somehow, and new concepts will need to be introduced in order to create a functional game. In this article, we'll do just that by tackling a working example of PyGame's capabilities—a Python-powered game.

Raph’s Website » Are single-player games doomed?

The entire video game industry’s history thus far has been an aberration. It has been a mutant monster only made possible by unconnected computers. People always play games together. All of you learned to play games with each other. When you were kids, you played tag, tea parties, cops and robbers, what have you. The single-player game is a strange mutant monster which has only existed for 21 years and is about to go away because it is unnatural and abnormal.

11 February 2006

Excesso de realismo deixa o jogo chato [ Podcast ]

Professor de level-design afirma que games estão deixando de ser games e passando a ser meros simuladores. Blog: Top Ten Bestselling Games of 2005

The NPD Group has reported the bestselling titles of 2005. Most of the games were for the Playstation 2 game system. Electronic Arts developed half of the top ten bestselling titles in 2005. » Blog Archive » Top 10 Casual Games Portals

If I was to put a short list of the top 10 by volume (not performance) I would say 1) RealArcade (Gamehouse) 2) Yahoo Games 3) Oberon Network : Pogo, AOL (non exclusive), MSN, Xbox Life, and so on 4) Zylom 5) Shockwave 6) BigFish Games 7) Boonty Games 8) TryMedia (Because of AOL) 9) Reflexive Network 10) Gamefiesta, Arcadetown, Iwin, Wild Tangent