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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tags "blog post" & music

05 February 2006

Re:Retro - The Classic and Retro Games Blog

They do indeed go everywhere. Andreas Wieslander and his band of intrepid film makers/musicians/gamers pay homage to Parappa the Rapper in this excellent video, which is a cover of “Cheep Cheep Cooking Chicken’s Rap” from the first title in the PaRappa series.

28 January 2006

Raph’s Website » Audition

As with many of the Asian games, there’s a nominally massively multiplayer lobby, which you enter minimally multiplayer games from. You play the game in order to earn virtual cash, plus you buy a different sort of virtual cash. You can then buy further accessories for your character (clothes, character customization, etc) and new stuff to play (in this case, songs) with that money.

16 January 2006

Lost Garden: Creating a system of game play notation

"It occurred to me the other day, “What does the world of music have to offer to game designers?”" Análise de jogabilidade através de notação musical.