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February 2006

Functioning Form - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

Today Yahoo! released our internal Yahoo! Design Pattern Library under a Creative Commons License. This first release of interaction design patterns is small (just 13) but we'll be adding to it over the next few months.

Casual Game Design » Game design at Casuality Europe

# Make it really hard. # Have a dozen mediocre game modes instead of one good one. # Make it a 600 MB download that requires two next generation video cards and 4GB RAM. # Price your game at $35 or $3.50 and sell only from your myspace homepage. # Use the right mouse button. # Give it a terrible name or theme. # Award low scores. # Expect users to read. # Make it challenging and cerebral. # Ignore what everyone else says about your game.

Yahoo Ajax Library

This is cool for all you Ajax developers out there. Yahoo has released their own Ajax user interface library under the BSD license. This is the companion code to their Design Pattern Library.

Design centrado em quê? [ Mercado Web ]

by 1 other
Identifiquei alguns centros comuns e incomuns no Design de Interação, mas deve ficar claro que eles podem acontecer em conjunto e mudar no decorrer do projeto:

January 2006

Casual Game Design » The spacebar is all you need to have fun

A couple years back, I sent my mother an interactive Christmas card. The card was actually a little game. You played Santa and you were skiing down a hill. Along the hill were various obstacles and you had to jump over them by pressing the spacebar.

Casual Game Design » Coming up with game ideas

Coming up with game ideas is a creative process without much structure to it.

Raph’s Website » Masaya Matsuura’s foreword

the Japanese edition of A Theory of Fun for Game Design is out now. Masaya Matsuura was kind enough to write a foreword for this edition

November 2005

Only a Game: A Game Design Grammar

by 1 other
What does it mean to talk of a grammar of game design? And does specifying such a grammar give us an insight into the underlying structure of games, or a new method for approaching game design - or both? Because games vary from pure mathematical formalisms (at the ludic extreme) to behavioural descriptions (at the opposite extreme), any formal reductionistic system will either be focused primarily on the former, or require sufficient latitude to express practically infinite diversity. One such approach is to define a categorial grammar of game design.