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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag 2005

15 November 2005

Micro Persuasion: Ten Blogging Hacks

by 8 others
Since my last three “hack” posts on bookmarklets, RSS and Technorati were so popular, I thought I would follow up with my ten favorite blogging hacks. Don't ask me why, but I like the number 10. These work on most if not all of the major weblog platforms, including TypePad, Blogger and Wordpress. (This post is in memory of Ben Hammersly's killed book, Blogging Hacks, may it RIP)

Introduction to Social Network Methods: Table of Contents

by 3 others
Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle. 2005. Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside ( published in digital form at )

TechCrunch » Amazon Tags

by 1 other
"Amazon is integrating user tagging into product pages (see image below)."

14 November 2005

Weird Worlds - Overview

Jogo com geração automática de cenários.

Lost Garden: Mini Game Design Reviews: Guitar Hero and Wierd Worlds

"I wanted to briefly mention two very different games that I’ve been spending time with recently. The first is Guitar Hero by Harmonix and the second is Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space by Digital Eel. Neither is a traditional game, and both have some good lessons about game design to share."

Livro sobre sudoku

"Presen�a constante nas �ltimas semanas na lista de best-sellers da Inglaterra, Canad� e E.U.A., o SUDOKU (pronunciado como "sud�cu""

Game/AI: Great Expectation-Formations

"Forming expectations is a problem that is relatively easy to concretize: AIs have an internal knowledge model of the world. If the AI is able to provide an estimate for what that state is going to look like n ticks in the future, that’s an expectation – and naturally we’re going to want the AI to react not (or not just) to current world-state, but also to its expectation. React to its own expectation. I think that’s a neat idea, and architecturally it makes a lot of sense. Assuming we have a reactive behavior system of some sort already, we don’t, as a first pass, need to modify IT at all. All we need to do is provide future instead of current data. Great!"

Trópico - Libertando-se da prisão da internet - artigo com Theodor Nelson

"O pessoal da inform�tica n�o entende os computadores. Bem, eles entendem a parte t�cnica, sim, mas n�o entendem as possibilidades. Principalmente, eles n�o entendem que o mundo dos computadores � totalmente feito de arranjos artificiais e arbitr�rios.Editor de textos, planilhas, bancos de dados n�o s�o fundamentais, s�o apenas id�ias diferentes que diversas pessoas elaboraram, id�ias que poderiam ter uma estrutura totalmente diversa. Mas essas id�ias t�m um aspecto plaus�vel que se solidificou como concreto em uma realidade aparente. Macintosh e Windows s�o parecidos, portanto essa deve ser a realidade, certo?"

Gamasutra - Book Excerpt - "21st Century Game Design: Designing for the Market"

"Why is game design often overlooked as an important factor contributing to game sales? Perhaps because when most people in development companies talk about “good game design,” they mean “game design that produced a game I really like.” This sort of subjective validation of game design is of no use in business, which thrives on repeatable methods based around capturing a target audience—the market. Unable to see the profit resulting from “good design”— especially since many allegedly well-designed games fail commercially— most businessmen ignore design entirely."

Trópico - Um estudo pioneiro

"No in�cio dos anos 70, nos anos de chumbo do regime militar, Theodor Adorno e a Escola de Frankfurt davam as cartas e orientavam as escolhas de teses na academia. Adorno, como se sabe, � dono de um pensamento pessimista sobre a ind�stria cultural. Uma tese acad�mica que o tomasse como ponto de partida para estudo da cultura de massa teria de prestar contas com os pontos mais salientes de seu pensamento. Sergio Miceli tomou Adorno como ponto de partida para desenvolver uma tese que foi recebida com duros ataques na academia (na �poca foi considerada pouco adorniana) na mesma propor��o em que teve uma recep��o calorosa da imprensa.O objeto da tese: explicar a raz�o do sucesso dos programas de audit�rio. O caso emblem�tico foi oferecido pela apresentadora Hebe Camargo."

Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors

"Welcome to Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors. Casuality Seattle is a conference administered, designed and organized by an independent group of casual game industry professionals to address the specific needs of casual game developers, publishers and distributors across all distribution platforms: PC Download, Mac, retail, XBox Live Arcade, handheld and wireless mobile."

Gamasutra - Feature - "Nintendo Entertainment System – Expired Patents Do Not Mean Expired Protection"

"[Editor's Note: This article originated when the Gamasutra editors noticed a number of online sources such as Wikipedia stating that it was now completely legal to make NES 'clone' consoles, because all of Nintendo's patents regarding the NES had expired. How true was this statement? We asked game IP lawyer S. Gregory Boyd the question: "Are the NES patents expired? If so, is a company free to build and sell new NES-like systems?" Here's his response.]"

XML-RPC Specification

"This specification documents the XML-RPC protocol implemented in UserLand Frontier 5.1.For a non-technical explanation, see XML-RPC for Newbies."

Wired News: Sir, the Gamers Are Revolting!

"This year, Marovic and ICNC will add another training tool to their arsenal: a computer game called A Force More Powerful, which teaches players the strategy of nonviolent conflict."

Google Underground: O que a "Revolução Google" pode causar? - Notícias para quem não vive sem Google!

Lojas, editoras, jornais, imobiliárias. Todos temem o 'efeito Google'. O Google e outros sites de busca, cada vez mais completos, informam ao consumidor onde encontrar o menor preço.

10 Most Powerful Women in Blogging » Jack of All Blogs

Keeping to our policy of being controversial and well just plain silly. We rank the 10 most powerful women in the blogging industry

12 November 2005


Por volta de 1987, ap�s Monstro de P�ntano e watchmen e antes da sua briga com a DC, a lenda dos quadrinhos, Alan Moore submeteu uma proposta para uma s�rie que nunca foi publicada: O Crep�sculo, que mergulharia o universo DC no Ragnarok, Goetterdammerung, o Crep�sculo dos Deuses, e que nunca foi trazido � realidade.