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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tag 2005

20 November 2005

Mind Hacks: Meet the chatbots

"Mind Hacks already told you about Jabberwacky, the winner of this year's Loebner prize for the chatbot that comes closest to passing the Turing Test (to pass, a judge must be unable to tell whether she's talking to the chatbot or another human)."

no mínimo | .Comportamento | Web 2.0 molda a nova internet

'Mas, como tudo caminha em ciclos, uma hora esse suposto marasmo haveria de dar lugar à retomada do desenvolvimento. Assim, alguns pensadores digitais começaram a definir parâmetros para delimitar melhor essa evolução, chamando este novo estágio da internet de web 2.0. O termo partiu de Dale Doughrty, vice-presidente da O’Reilly Media (, respeitada companhia do segmento de tecnologia, e já está amplamente difundido no meio virtual. Por sinal, “Web 2.0 Conference” ( é o nome do evento da atualidade mais conceituado para a discussão de novas tendências da web, fruto justamente dos conceitos de Dale e Tim O`Reilly – presidente da firma que leva o seu sobrenome."

POPSCI EXCLUSIVE The 11-Year Quest to Create Disappearing Colored Bubbles - Popular Science

"Chemical burns, ruined clothes, 11 years, half a million dollars—it's not easy to improve the world's most popular toy. Yet the success of one inventor's quest to dye a simple soap bubble may change the way the world uses color "

Issues when working with AJAX (Mercurytide)

by 2 others (via)
"AJAX, or asynchronous Javascript and XML, is one of those buzz-words causing much excitement among the web-savvy. As a method of quietly communicating with a server it allows web sites to act more like traditional applications, and is an integral part of the web 2.0 methodology. It plays an important role in Flickr, Google Maps, and Backpack, among others."

19 November 2005

IGDA - Articles - Bill of Rights

I first presented A Game Developers' Bill of Rights at a keynote presentation at the Montreal International Game Summit in November 2005. The Bill of Rights was part of a larger talk called Making and Breaking Rules: Game Design as a Critical Practice , which touched on issues of game design and the culture of games, as well as the business of the game industry. Following my talk, I prepared this short essay for the IGDA site.

The Top 10 Best / Greatest Video Games of All Time

"I'm not the only guy who likes making lists. Over the years, many gaming magazines and websites have made lengthy lists of their own in an attempt to compile comprehensive guides chronicling the best video games of all time. Here is a summary of some of the leading Top 10s, as excerpted from various Top 100 lists."

17 November 2005

Unidev :: Programação de Jogos | IN GAMES 2005-2

"No pr�ximo dia 17 de novembro, quinta-feira, o curso de Desenvolvimento de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital da Unisinos promove a edi��o 2005/2 do In Games."

Online Worlds: The Forms of Things Unknown |Raph Koster's Home Page

"I gave this talk at one of the monthly IGDA chapter meetings in San Diego"

Game Design Challenges | Collateral Romance

"Eric Zimmerman has run "Game Design Challenges" at several GDC's now. At each, he picks a difficult topic to design a game about, and then lets loose three designers to come up with a game based on the topic. I participated in the inaugural one in 2004, losing to Will Wright's "Collateral Romance" idea, which involved setting non-combatants down inside a first person shooter, with the task of making it to the other side a la Casablanca, and hoping that they would form attachments along the way. Warren Spector didn't come up with a game idea, and I presented what's below."

Gamasutra - Features - "Question of the Week Responses: Underrated Games"

"For the latest Question Of The Week, we asked the simple question: "What videogame or games do you think have been the most underrated in terms of providing innovation or pure enjoyment, and why?" This gave our audience of game professionals a chance to discuss those video games that perhaps didn't get the attention they deserved when they first debuted."

Raph’s Website » Blue world

"Once upon a time there was a world where half of the population couldn’t see the color blue."

Gamasutra - Interview - "Developing Sex in Games with Brenda Brathwaite"

"Brenda Brathwaite, a 23-year veteran of the video games industry, has worked on 21 published titles, including most recently Cyberlore's Playboy: The Mansion. She is also the founder and chair of the International Game Developers Association's Sex Special Interest Group, which has as its goal the welcoming of “all developers actively creating or interested in the development of adult sexual content.” The SIG also aims to promote discussion about the adult content development community, and “the unique issues, challenges, possibilities it faces.”"

The Philosophical Roots of Computer Game Design

"This is an approximate transcript of the text of my lecture at the 2004 GDC. I present it in this form because the nature of the material does not lend itself to the traditional paper format. Also, because the lecture is informal and to some extent ad-libbed, this is not a verbatim document."

Are you serious? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

"Last week gamesblog covered Persuasive Games' latest release Airport Insecurity, "a game about inconvenience and the tradeoffs between security and rights in American airports". I grabbed Ian Bogost, one half of the company (and one-half of the blog watercoolergames) to explain exactly what he means by "serious games"."

15 November 2005 - Keeping a Genre Alive

In a Bid to Rekindle the Text-Only PC GamesOf the 1980s, Fans Write New Adventures