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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tags 2005 & games

February 2006 Blog: Top Ten Bestselling Games of 2005

The NPD Group has reported the bestselling titles of 2005. Most of the games were for the Playstation 2 game system. Electronic Arts developed half of the top ten bestselling titles in 2005. - Bingo: A whole journal issue on videogames | International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal

Bingo: A whole journal issue on videogames Thursday, February 09 2006 Articles It's REALLY frustrating when you cannot get access to articles online. If you do game research, you know what I am talking about. I don't want to go into rant mode but let me just say: whenever you can, put the pdf online. I just accidentally run into a pdf version of the International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal, published on Spring 2005. It's dedicated in full to videogames and includes articles by such people as Chris Crawford, Janet Murray, Espen Aarseth, James Gee, Ian Bogost, Michael Mateas and many more. Stuff I haven't read by people I care. On a pdf file. Downloadable. Free for everybody. All over the world. This is great. This makes me happy. I actually may put down Animal Crossing DS just to take a look at this pdf. I am happy indeed.

Raph Koster's Home Page | Making the AAA Title: Letters from the Trenches

Dan Arey gave a talk at GDC 2005 on developing AAA games, and interviewed several designers for it. The actual interview was quite long, and I skipped many of the questions... but here's the answers to the ones that I did respond to. You can comment here on the blog if you like.

January 2006

Hoplon, estúdio desenvolvedor de Taikodom, ganha prêmio da IBM Brasil

Com o objetivo de incentivar a atuação dos ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) filiados ao programa PartnerWorld, a IBM Brasil premiou 15 parceiros de negócios que mais se destacaram no ano de 2005. Entre eles, a empresa catarinense Hoplon Infotainment, desenvolvedora do game Taikodom e parceira Advanced - Industry-optimized da IBM, foi selecionada na categoria Mídia & Entretenimento. ''Nosso objetivo é atuar cada vez mais perto do ISV, oferecendo todo o suporte necessário para que o desenvolvedor obtenha o melhor proveito das soluções IBM, além de conhecimento sobre as novas tecnologias. Outro fator importante é a troca de experiências entre as empresas envolvidas no programa'', afirma Ruth Harada, gerente de alianças da área de Software da IBM Brasil.

Terra Nova: Digital Communities 06 / Prix Ars Electronica

For the third time, Prix Ars Electronica, the foremost international prize for computer-based art, is starting its call for entries for "Digital Communities" projects. The category "Digital Communities" has been a great success in its 2004 and 2005 editions and is singling out for recognition projects of great sociopolitical relevance.

Ten "Most Interesting" people in gaming - International perspective from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

A few weeks ago, there was a post on GamerGod which listed the 10 most interesting people in games 2005. While some of those who made the cut were arguably admirable, it was a hugely US-biased list

Video Game Development: Learn to Write C# the Fun Way

by 1 other
Learn the concepts of 3-D video game production as instructors from DigiPen Institute of Technology demonstrate the key stages of developing a game engine using Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, a new development environment for beginner programmers.

game girl advance: The Five Biggest Trends of 2005

The end of the year is upon us, and enough blogs and news sites have already written great articles on the best games of the year. Therefore, instead of being lost amongst the white noise of award features, I'd like to point out a few trends which I felt were especially important during 2005.

GT: 2005 Top 10 Games of the Year

2005 draws to a close with a look back at the many great games this year. Independent gaming continues to grow each year offering game experiences that you can't find anywhere else.

jay is games: Best of 2005: Top 20

The Best of 2005 is a celebration of the best games reviewed here at Jayisgames over the past year. It is not an exhaustive list of all the best games available since we can only review the games that we come to know about. If you have a game, or are part of a team that produces them, and would like to have your game considered for a future review here, then please use my email address in the sidebar to submit a link.

Projetista do NES diz que jogos de hoje roubam sonhos das crianças - 05/12/2005 - UOL Jogos

O atual conselheiro da Nintendo e professor-titular da universidade Ritsusmei, Masayuki Uemura, disse na Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, realizada no próprio instituto de ensino, que a missão da Nintendo é manter os videogames como o "brinquedo dos sonhos" das crianças.

Fundador da Atari critica atual indústria de games e elogia Nintendo - 05/12/2005 - UOL Jogos - UOL Jogos

Durante a Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, um simpósio internacional de games que se realizou na universidade Ritsumei, no Japão, Nolan Bushnell, fundador da Atari - comprado pela antiga Infogrames - e "pai" dos videogames, falou sobre a história da indústria, criticou o momento atual do mercado de games e elogiou a Nintendo. - Censorless Violence


November 2005

IGDA - Articles - Bill of Rights

I first presented A Game Developers' Bill of Rights at a keynote presentation at the Montreal International Game Summit in November 2005. The Bill of Rights was part of a larger talk called Making and Breaking Rules: Game Design as a Critical Practice , which touched on issues of game design and the culture of games, as well as the business of the game industry. Following my talk, I prepared this short essay for the IGDA site.

The Top 10 Best / Greatest Video Games of All Time

"I'm not the only guy who likes making lists. Over the years, many gaming magazines and websites have made lengthy lists of their own in an attempt to compile comprehensive guides chronicling the best video games of all time. Here is a summary of some of the leading Top 10s, as excerpted from various Top 100 lists."

Unidev :: Programação de Jogos | IN GAMES 2005-2

"No pr�ximo dia 17 de novembro, quinta-feira, o curso de Desenvolvimento de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital da Unisinos promove a edi��o 2005/2 do In Games."

Gamasutra - Features - "Question of the Week Responses: Underrated Games"

"For the latest Question Of The Week, we asked the simple question: "What videogame or games do you think have been the most underrated in terms of providing innovation or pure enjoyment, and why?" This gave our audience of game professionals a chance to discuss those video games that perhaps didn't get the attention they deserved when they first debuted."