public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bacon with tags xoops-cube & web

January 2008

December 2007

XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.3 RC release

XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.3 RC was released. This is a minor upgrade version, contains many bug fixes contributed by volunteers and implements some requested feature. RC means 'Release Candidate' and becomes the stable version through our tests. So, lets go f

November 2007

How to connect to IRC channel -

This new wiki article explains how to connect to XOOPS Cube IRC channel. You can choose your favorite IRC client from a number of clients in any OS

MediaLinks - a video contents module

The "medialinks" is a module for video materials (wmv, mov, etc). This module work display arrange videos and show it.

IRC Channel Opened for test

In the forum, we have discussed whether we should have a IRC channel. And now, we opened a channel for test

Gigamaster and Sertes join the project

Xoopserver (aka Gigamaster) has been a familiar face to most of you in and other sites. He is one of most popular contributors in the XOOPS world. Sertes contributed grate Russian translations to the project. And now, he joins us as Russi

Admin Theme Changer v0.21

This module release is another proof of concept that may convince the hesitant users, developers and designers of the good balance between development and design that exist in a solid base of freedom for innovation and creativity.

October 2007