public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bacon with tags webdev & review

May 2008

web hosting :: Hosting Industry Reviews with WebHostingSmarts

WebHostingSmarts offer site members to have their latest 2 news posted on the site free of cost in this month giving the statistical overview of your company's performance over the past week, new plans, promotional news.

December 2007


BuzzCMS is a place where you can add, show, buzz, rate and vote your work (website or template) exclusively based on a CMS. XOOPS Cube, Joomla, wordpress, drupal and others are supported. Come and get buzzed :)

Rss20AndAtom10Compared - Atom Wiki

by 7 others
People who generate syndication feeds have a choice of feed formats. As of mid-2005, the two most likely candidates will be [WWW]RSS 2.0 and [WWW]Atom 1.0. The purpose of this page is to summarize, as clearly and simply as possible, the differences betwee

November 2007

CMS Comparison

This paper documents a project on web content management systems at the IT University of Copenhagen. The project concludes second semester of the four-semester M.Sc. in Software Development and accounts for half a semester's work. The intended audience co