public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bacon with tags com & unlimited

25 September 2003 23:15

tudo bem, "bom demais para ser verdade" e 'não deve durar muito tempo", mas dá para experimintar enquanto o certo não acontece, hehe. is proud estou offer free remote mysql database hosting for users all around the world. there is no limit on number of databases you can register,no restrictions on what you install and no space or bandwith limit. we also provide free web hosting with 10 megs of webspace,unmetered bandwith,php,cgi-bin,perl,ssi,.htaccess,no file size limit,image magick,gd libraries etc. please note that you can not signup for both web hosting and mysql database hosting account. if you need web hosting w/o mysql database then signup for our webhosting account but you can not use it for uploading anything that uses mysql database. if you need mysql database hosting then you need estou upload your script estou some other host and then signup for our free